December 3rd – 8th 2024

Gene Key 5


Impatience – Patience – Timelessness

This week we meet Gene Key 5 – the power of patience. As the great Bulgarian Sage Peter Deunov once said, ‘Patience is the vanguard of love.’ Contemplate that this week…

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Patience is the way in which the Shadow transforms into the Gift, so it’s fundamental to every aspect of the Gene Keys. It’s the field – the spaciousness – the cauldron – in which dynamic change, the alchemy of life occurs.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

🎉 A record of 9542 pauses on the 28 November at 12:00 💫

The Triple Flame app is designed to dovetail perfectly with The Art of Contemplation book and mini-course. Regular but short pausing will infuse your busy day with the contemplative state, which can be a profoundly enriching experience. Contemplate with others, and deepen your joy into the silence and beauty that we often miss in our busy lives.

Transforming Impatience into Timelessness

‘The impatient person is one who does not trust in the flow of life.’ From this insight, Richard Rudd shows how to use impatience as a means to cultivate deep love and trust in the perfection of the unfolding of our lives. Accessible and highly relevant to all human beings.den Path, it may also be of interest to newcomers because it shows you a glimpse at how insights from these varied teachings of the synthesis can be woven practically into a life of contemplation.

Do you want to experience Gene Keys in-person?

Along with our Star Pearl 10% early bird discount, which is valid until December 31st, we are also offering 10% off all our other online courses until December 13th! 

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