July 7th – 12th 2023

Gene Key 53


Immaturity – Expansion – Superabundance

This week we meet Gene Key 53, the Gift of Expansion. Wherever you put your attention this week, that energy will expand, so beware where you put your focus!

This audio is no longer available to stream. Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

Gene Keys Audio Journeys

This is a collection of powerful musical journeys and meditations from various areas of the Gene Keys Synthesis. It is recommended you sit comfortably or lie down for the duration of each meditation, using headphones or good quality speakers for the best quality experience. Listen to your intuition. Choose which of the audios is calling you this week.

Golden Path Open Calls

Explore your profile in live Q&A sessions

Over the next few months, journey with us on a free series through your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile. We will walk step by step through all three sequences of the Golden Path, answering questions and sharing stories about these illuminating teachings. These live Q&A sessions will be hosted by Tanmayo Lawson, Elijah Parker, and special guest hosts over the course of the next few months. They are free and open to all, though we will be exploring resource materials found in the books and self-study courses.

This month Dancing with Genius – 13 July at 12pm UTC & 27 July at 8pm UTC

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