December 25th – 31st 2023

Gene Key 58


Dissatisfaction – Vitality – Bliss

This week we explore Gene Key 58 – an explosive Gene Key with the smiling vitality of love embedded deeply within it. Say no to stress this week and you will soon find yourself smiling for no reason!

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The Sacred Torch

The sphere of ‘Brand’ guides you in how best to express your innate gifts to the world. To learn more, join Tanmayo and Elijah as they journey into the Pearl Sequence with special guest and fellow Guide, Matthew Ashdown. 

These free online sessions are open to everyone. Join us live this Thursday, December 28 at 8pm UTC.

2024: The Year Ahead

A Special Message from Richard Rudd

In this video, Richard invites you into the Gene Key of Bliss and Vitality, and shares an exciting look ahead at next year! Take a sneak peek at what’s coming from the Gene Keys, including new online retreats, events, philanthropic projects, and a new course called the Star Pearl. Click below to watch the video and see the roadmap for 2024.

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