March 2nd – 7th 2023

Gene Key 63


Doubt – Inquiry – Truth

This week we meet Gene Key 63, Truth. This is a week to speak the truth. This is a week to uncover truth. This is a week to move beyond your self-doubt and use the Gift of Inquiry. Look deeply into the challenges before you and root out the real truth that caused them. You will find that it was you who created this situation, and you may even realise why you have done so and discover a great hidden gift.

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Blessing of Birth

One of the primary impulses of the Gene Keys synthesis is to reshape and beautify language in order that it can carry a higher frequency. This prayer comes from The Spring of Dreams, a wonderful contemplative little book filled with words that take us to the edge of where words can go… Open your heart and let these words soften your heart and open your mind.

Sword of Knowledge, Chalice of Wisdom

In this video, Richard makes the all-important distinction between knowledge and wisdom, highlighting the need to place wisdom first, to be served by knowledge. Practical and powerful insights for all seekers of Truth.

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