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Prayer of Transition

Prayer of Transition Excerpt from The Spring of Dreams by Richard Rudd Deep spirit of the eternal watersLord and Lady of Life and DeathWe offer homage to you in this time of intense changeWe bow to the great mystery of this unfoldingAnd breathe a deep sigh, yielding at lastTo the sweet inevitability of Grace.May we enter the gate with our hearts open.May we softly release the pastAnd open fully into the glory of your light.May all who are caught up in this changefind the easy path to their highest good.Great and ancient Grandmother of the EarthWe convey ourselves into your gentle arms.Great, bright Lord of the blueing SkyWe release our soul to your boundless winds.May all beings be blessedMay all beings be blessedas together we journey out of the darkness,And like the leaping salmonMay each of us returnTo the exquisite and inextinguishableFlame of our Source. Artwork by Jane Adams Hear from the Author Available on Amazon Selected Poetry and Prayers A selection of poems and prayers, accompanied by the exceptional visionary art of Jane Adams, drawn from many years of the writings of Richard Rudd. Covering the span of his life and representing one man’s search to pierce the …

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Dream Arc Profiler

What is the animal symbol for your Sphere of Purpose?​

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Richard offers a more advanced technique of working within the Gene Keys Synthesis, showing how one can blend and flow between different aspects of the teachings simultaneously, surrendering into the magic of the contemplative way.

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Elijah - Dreamscapes-v2

Jaguar’s Journey

Inspired by our amazing online program, the Dream Arc, this free mini-series is your chance to sprinkle a bit more magic into your everyday life.

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Blessing of the Good Work

Blessing of the Good Work Blessing of the Good Work by Richard Rudd May the light of our soul guide us as we approach our daily work in the world May the soft hues of our differing viewsMerge in a delicate blend of fruitfulness May our soul’s voice be heard and heldHere in the silent circle of our Trust. Together, may we proffer our sacred work As a tonic for the trembling, parched lips of the world May our work fill us with the joy of creationAnd may we never waste a single obstacle, Surmounting each alone, yet all together…Our heads bowed, our passionate hearts aflame. May the great work of our soul’s higher purposeNever become a burden to us. May we serve the whole togetherIn impeccable imperfection, Weaving the loose strands of our many dreamsInto the emerald web of the Great Dreamer. May evening find us blessed and fulfilled,Our day’s work softly laid down… May we enter each night grateful and fully preparedFor the Mystery of Replenishment. May the light of our souls grow brighter each day,Drawing us close, a fragrant family of glittering virtues. May our souls be blessed and blessed and blessed again As we come together …

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VIDEO/EVENT Thumbnails - Day of Love

Seeds of Love

Every one of the 64 Gene Keys represents a kind of love. Here are 13 examples you can play with. Click our mini-Oracle and see which love choses you and then today following this love in your life.

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Wild Love

Gene Key 56 is the wildest love on our planet. It is love of being alive – of sight, taste, smell, beauty, ugliness – love of all experience. Allow this love to permeate your experience of being alive today. Whatever happens, open to it and trust this vast  love.

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Sensual Love

Gene Key 46 is about finding ecstasy through the body. Love your own body today. Stroke it, nurture it, spend time with your own sensuality. Revel in the glorious gift that is touch and sexuality…

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Tender Love

Gene Key 37 ignites the sweetest love in existence. Care for another being today as you would wish to be cared for yourself. Touch them with exquisite divine tenderness and watch the miracle that follows…

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Compassionate Love

Gene Key 36 is love as compassion. Compassion requires we be absolutely human. Take something today that seems unlovable and softly breathe love into it. This can be inside you or in the world. Do this and stand amazed.

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Tantric Love

Gene Key 30 is about the sublimation of our desires. Spend some time today entertaining your desires. Allow them to flow unimpeded through your body, heart and mind. Whether you follow them further is your choice. Accept the beauty of this freedom to chose that each of us has been gifted at birth.

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Devotional Love

Gene Key 29 is love in the field of devotion. What can you do today that is utterly devotional? Follow this rapturous love that gives of itself so utterly that it attains transcendence of some kind.

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Healing Love

Gene Key 27 is love as service, which is the greatest healing for our soul. To serve others, as you do, is also to serve yourself. Use this love today to give either yourself or another (or both) some beautiful gift of healing.

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Playful Love

Gene Key 3 is the love of play. You need to be more playful, like a child. Let go of your seriousness and let the child’s heart inside you come to the surface. Be silly. Be a show-off. Be sweet like a child. Follow this child’s love today and surprise yourself and others…

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Easy Love

Gene Key 10 is love of the easy path. Why make your life so complex and difficult when joy is right under your nose? Chill out today and follow this easy path of deep relaxedness that so few of us remember to take…

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Pure Love

Gene Key 12 is Pure Love – The Sufis call this Ishq – the eternal purity within our soul, that nothing in the world can ever tarnish. Drop into this eternal purity of your heart today. Remind yourself that no circumstance or person can ever take this inner beauty away from you.

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Passionate Love

Gene Key 15 is love as passion. Follow your passion today. Passion is creative, collaborative, spontaneous. Passion is essentially human and connects us to all creatures and beings. Open your wings today and do something spontaneous.

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Universal Love

Gene Key 25 invites us into the field of cosmic love. See yourself today through the eyes of this universal love. You are all things and all beings. There is nothing but love, even in the shadow. Be with this truth all day today.

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