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Gene Key 37
Weakness – Equality – Tenderness
The Shadow of Weakness – Weakness is seeing femininity and tenderness as less powerful than masculine logic and physical strength. It is when masculine-driven dominance of the mind overshadows feminine softness and the holistic nature of the heart. Weakness is epitomized by the false need for external structures, such as organized religion, business hierarchies, or conditioned family roles in order to feel strong and in control. This need is rooted in a lack of trust in the collective, resulting in the imbalance and exhaustion of the feminine heart in tireless service to the masculine mind. This can develop into an over-sentimental personality – inauthentically giving love and support based on fear as opposed to standing up for truth. This over-processing of emotional content can be exhausting for self and others. Others may close down their heart, and project fear and anger outwardly through cruelty, taking advantage of those they perceive as weaker. These two polarities describe the emotional war between victim and abuser, both sides inevitably trapped in a cycle of suffering.
The Gift of Equality – Equality is the experience of being connected to all of humanity as one global family. It is the ability to access unconditional love in a way that honors each individual as a unique part of the whole. While we may not be born equal in money, talent, privilege, or physical attributes, all human beings have the same equal birthright to live out their unique genius into the world. Equality is cultivated through authentic giving from the heart. Like the unconditional love between parent and child, transcending the dominant transaction-oriented model of value exchange. This gift paves the way for new structures of community government, economy, and social justice to support the Earth and Humanity as a whole. These new models of community will be based on giving rather than controlling. Equality is epitomized by loving oneself in order to discover the love of all beings. It is the experience of the true friendship that will unite the human family.
The Siddhi of Tenderness – Tenderness is the unconditional love of a mother to her child, reflected in how life, in its highest expression, holds all of humanity with unending grace and compassion. The power of Tenderness is reawakening within humanity, rebalancing the polarity between men and women, and dismantling the illusions of tribes and old family structures that keep people divided. Tenderness is a ferocious love, capable of melting boundaries and borders through its infinitely soft and loving embrace.
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Tender Love
Gene Key 37 ignites the sweetest love in existence. Care for another being today as you would wish to be cared for yourself. Touch them with exquisite divine tenderness and watch the miracle that follows…