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Gene Key 56
Distraction – Enrichment – Intoxication
The Shadow of Distraction – Distraction is the moment the outer world misdirects attention away from the inner world. Distraction is the avoidance of feeling one’s true emotions by escaping into stimulating external experiences, whether it be food, drugs, sex, media, or activity. It is a defense mechanism to avoid feeling the pain of discomfort, filling one’s life with mindless activity or habitual addictions. Distraction is also how inwardly focused fantasies obscure one’s relationships with the material world. The pattern of Distraction is characterized by either over-stimulation through external substances or activities, or through under-stimulation and the sullen attitudes and sulking feelings of depression, emptiness, or purposelessness.
The Gift of Enrichment – Enrichment is the ability to appreciate life as it enters through the five senses. It balances fun with seriousness, and represents the discipline of knowing when is to restrain the impulses of one’s external desires or when to surrender into them. Enrichment is about living life fully, to embrace the sensuality of the body and discover magic even in the mundane. Enrichment is a deep appreciation and gratitude for the present moment; and through that awe and wonder, the present moment naturally becomes more and more alive. Enrichment is the ability to indulge in the sensual pleasures of life, not as a distraction from emotional pain, but as an opportunity to become ever more present with life. True Enrichment doesn’t eat chocolate cake to avoid the pain of a breakup, it eats chocolate cake to taste the orgasmic beauty of life in every bite. Enrichment is the ability to sit still with one’s desires before acting upon them, and to digest the sensations of pain and grief as deeply as joy and bliss.
The Siddhi of Intoxication – Divine Intoxication is the permanent state of being drunk on God. It is to be addicted to the highest frequencies of love, distracted only by the uplifting luminous currents of the divine. It is the ability to trigger ecstatic states through homeopathic doses of material delights. Poets and mythic storytellers throughout the ages have used Divine Intoxication to open the heart of humanity, channeling the richness of their experience into soul-stirring beauty for all.
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Wild Love
Gene Key 56 is the wildest love on our planet. It is love of being alive – of sight, taste, smell, beauty, ugliness – love of all experience. Allow this love to permeate your experience of being alive today. Whatever happens, open to it and trust this vast love.