A Mystical Transmission of Grace

The Seven Sacred Seals are Mystery School teachings with many profound levels and dimensions.

Their purpose is to open you up to the higher realms and to bring the miraculous blessings
of Grace into your life.

'The Seven Seals is a life changing course. It opened up new dimensions in me. I feel it is guiding my life in a magical way.'

An Invitation Into The Mystical

We invite you to join us on a profound and life changing journey into the Gene Keys Mystery School. The Seven Sacred Seals are so much more than a course. They are an amazing set of practices, inner journeys, experiences, prayers, music, incantations and invocations that invite Grace into our lives. They are mystical portals to the Divine.

Mystery Schools Through The Ages

Through the ages there have been great Mystery Schools in many cultures. The Egyptian, Mayan, Sufi, Greek, Tibetan, Celtic, Native American, Taoist and many others. A Mystery School teaching is something that can’t be easily defined by a logical left-brain approach. It is intuitive, experiential, mysterious and beyond the understanding of the mind. The Seven Sacred Seals operate in the domain of the heart, the spirit and the soul. They are not knowledge; rather they are wisdom – a direct transmission of deep spiritual truth.

A Gene Keys Mystery School

The Seven Sacred Seals Mystery School teachings are part of the same wisdom that has traveled down the ages through all the great cultures and lineages. However, these teachings are fresh and adapted for our current age, unifying the ancient mysteries at a new octave. This is the result of a fresh impulse arising in the core of human DNA; a Collective Awakening and a Global Initiation.

The Seven Sacred Seals are an invitation for you to participate in this Global Initiation, which has long been waiting for the time when humanity is ready. That time is now, and this Collective Awakening has begun. It will ultimately allow us transcend the fear and separation that has undermined human evolution. We are living in the time of the Great Change – a time long prophesied by countless masters and sages down the ages.

'This 7 Sacred Seals wisdom is so tender - it’s joyful, mysterious and exquisite. It's also illuminating and ever-expanding.'

Course Features

  • Step-by-step online course modules with inspiring videos, prayers and contemplation practices

  • Teachings laid out in easy-to-follow chapters

  • Learn about the stars, saints, and angelic connections associated with each of the Seven Sacred Seals

  • Seven guided musical invocations to deepen your experience of the Seven Sacred Seals

  • Foster connections and meet like-minded people with a global online community forum dedicated to the contemplation of the Seven Sacred Seals

The Profound Power of Grace​

Grace is a mystery. No one knows how it will touch down in your life, as it is a spontaneous opening up to higher dimensions. The Seven Sacred Seals are about preparing the ground so that you may have a direct experience of Grace in your life. These are teachings and practices that may resolve issues you’ve been struggling with for a long time. These may be health issues, relationship problems, the loss of a loved one or even some form of deep trauma.

The Seven Seals will open you up to great inner horizons and possibilities. You may also have a direct mystical experience, see inner visions or move through a deep inner heart opening. 

The Profound Power of Grace​

Grace is a mystery. No one knows how it will touch down in your life, as it is a spontaneous opening up to higher dimensions. The Seven Sacred Seals are about preparing the ground so that you may have a direct experience of Grace in your life. These are teachings and practices that may resolve issues you’ve been struggling with for a long time. These may be health issues, relationship problems, the loss of a loved one or even some form of deep trauma.

The Seven Seals will open you up to great inner horizons and possibilities. You may also have a direct mystical experience, see inner visions or move through a deep inner heart opening. 

'I was drawn in and seduced by the power of the language and imagery of the Seven Sacred Seals. This was a very profound experience for me. It left me feeling uplifted, with some deep level of healing.'

Ready to dive deeper?

Each of the Seven Sacred Seals is a balm for the core wounds of humanity. Come and learn about the mystery of the Rainbow Body – the multi-dimensional field of light that makes up a human soul. Explore the 7 Saints and Bodhisattvas, the 7 Stars, the 7 Archangels, the 7 Siddhis and the higher spectrum of frequencies you can attract into your life.

  • Learn about the Rainbow Body teachings in the beautiful Evocation Seminars.
  • Experience the magical potential of the Invocations and their stirring musical contemplations.
  • Engage with the daily practices and prayers to deepen your embodiment.

Get a taste of some of the Invocations here

Seven Sacred Seals - The Full online Program

$270 (Price is in USD and includes all taxes where applicable)


Gathering with Grace

The Seven Sacred Seals Community Events

Regular gatherings with our contemplative community

Over the years, these teachings have drawn together a communion of hearts from all over the globe. Members of our community and the Gene Keys Ambassador Circle offer regular events on Zoom and Clubhouse. Click below to learn more about these free live events.