The Gazelle

Extra, extra! Journeys are BouNdlesS!

Welcome to our latest edition of The Gazelle, a newsletter for the Dream Arc community and anyone curious to learn more about this work and how it reconnects us to all of life and enhances our creativity. Take your time with this. Allow your intuition to guide you, and enjoy a little every day. We continue our explorations with this month’s theme, Journeyers. 

What journeys are you currently traversing or ready to embark on? 

Join us in riding the magic carpet within the Journeyers category! 


To work with the Journeyers is often to undertake an external journey to a new or unfamiliar place. Sometimes it is also only an inner journey where time is set aside and a sacred space is prepared. There are as many journeys as there are stars in the heavens.

Working with the Journeyers, you will need to show us a measure of commitment, and for many of you, this alone will be half of the journey.

Are there journeys on the horizon for you? Are you ready to make the commitment needed? 

Perhaps you will receive some clues and guidance as you traverse the terrain of this month’s Gazelle. 

If you are unfamiliar with the 12 categories and what they are about, you can watch this video introduction from Rosy Aronson, ‘The 12 Categories’.

Dream Arc Events

Join us for the upcoming live events in anticipation of the 2024 Dream Arc Initiation Retreat! We hope to see you there!

Journeyers Digest

‘We’re journeying through the curvy cycles of suffering and bliss, battles and peace, skies and valleys, the beginnings, the middles, the endings. We’re in an ever-unfolding process of discovery, of re-membering and of returning home, all while playing so many roles for and with each other – some more fun than others but all rich with opportunities to learn and grow. Journeyers are in it for the long haul.

And that’s our invitation to you. As you move along your journey, we invite you to be in it for the whole experience – from the beginning to the end to the new beginning. From the meditation pillow to the washing of those potatoes, from those blissful revelatory Dream Arc moments to those other moments when you’re talking on the phone to your family members, or trying to discuss politics at a dinner table, or experiencing wounded trauma triggers, or in the presence of those who you sense could and would do you harm, intentionally or unintentionally, including yourself.

So we invite you to open up to all of the wonder, magic and peace that’s possible, and then bring it down into the much less glamorous yet equally important work of integration – of empathy, of resilience, of self and other forgiveness.‘ 

~ Rosy Aronson

Beginnings, Middles & Endings

with Richard Rudd

Welcome to the Journeyers of the Dream Arc. As the name suggests, you can expect to be going on some journeys as you explore this category. Of course, it is all an inner journey, but it is likely that an outer journey will unfold for you, too. It may not be clear to you where you will go yet, but you are going to go somewhere and, in so doing, you will discover something.

The wider journey that humanity is navigating right now is the journey through suffering. We were brought here to this earth, and, while we are here, we suffer. This journey is about exploring that suffering in real depth, coming to terms with it, and eventually transmuting it into bliss. That will be the next stage for humanity, but we are not there yet. We still have some more of this journey into suffering left, and we have to keep going until it is done. There is no shortcut or way out of it. We can’t sidestep it. We have to go right through the heart of the suffering, and this takes courage. Journeys always take courage because they involve uncertainty. We don’t know what we are going to meet or what is around the next corner, and, when we meet obstacles and difficult circumstances, inner battles can unfold.

Journeyers Dream Arc Oracle

We warmly invite you on a voyage that will hone your intuition, unleash your imagination and infuse your life with ease. Inspired by the Dream Arc Online Course, the Jaguar’s Journey is a fun, free and newly-enhanced mini-series – here to offer you, your friends and community the chance to sprinkle more magic, meaning and synchronicity into your everyday.

Watch Richard’s invitation and be part of the adventure!

More to Enjoy

Wisdom Keeper Spotlight

AngaAnGaq AngaKkoRsuAq

Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq is a shaman, traditional healer, storyteller and carrier of the Qilaut (winddrum), whose  family belongs to the traditional healers of the Far North from Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland. His name means ‘The Man Who Looks Like His Uncle’.

Since he was a child, he was trained by his family, especially by his Grandmother Aanakasaa, for becoming a shaman. The spiritual task given by his mother is ‘Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man’.

'“We are in the midst of an awakening. At no time in history has Mother Earth needed her children to care more than at the present. Ancient prophecies from every culture around the world warn of dramatic global change. It’s time to believe we can make a difference. If we have hope, there is potential for extraordinary change. The elders teach us if we return to harmony in our lives, melting the ice in our hearts, reconnecting with one another, we will survive.”

Community Contributions

Maya, Ida & Their Homemade Labyrinth

Maya Aronson and her friend Ida were invited by the Dream Arc Journeyers to walk a labyrinth. The challenge was that they could not find one, but they did not let this dishearten them…..they made their own. Maybe this will inspire you to get creative with your own Dream Arc invitations. 

Calling in the Dream Arc Dragon

Join us for an invocation of dragon medicine to support us in our time of transformation. We stirred the Dream Arc Dragon from its cave with a beautiful transmission and blessing from Grandmother Flordemayo, and the community responded with their own diverse experiences.

Dreamscapes - Steady in the Winds of Change

Karen Rémy was born in France in 1984 and currently lives in Germany. She has been researching and creating since 2004 in the fields of physical theater (Lecoq Paris), site-specific performance, Butoh dance, contact improvisation, holistic healing of body, mind and soul, as well as meditation, consciousness, sensuality, ritual, Eastern and Western metaphysics.

Dreamy Dialogues - with Rosy Aronson & Richard Rudd

In this month’s Dreamy Dialogues podcast with Martyn and Kasia, you will see some familiar Dream Arc faces. Richard Rudd and Rosy Aronson delight us with stories about the origin of their collaboration of the Dream Arc Codex and share some unusual creature encounters. 

Share your journey in a safe a collaborative a creative space

Our weekly Clubhouse gatherings are open to the public – see you there!

Join Richard Rudd, Rosy Aronson, Matthew Ashdown and a village full of guest contributors for the Dream Arc Initiation Retreat, a rich and highly unique journey designed to expand your creativity, unlock your intuitive wisdom and connect you to the deep ancestral power of the earth and her creatures.

Curious about the magic and mystery of the Dream Arc?

Special thanks to artist Sarah Gnaden

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