Begin with this opening attunement with Richard
The Venus Sequence

Welcome to Phase 2 of the Golden Path. Whether you have done Part 1 or not, the Venus Sequence leads you through a powerful emotional transformation that will likely last a considerable amount of time. It will also invite you to consider making your relationships the primary focus of your life, at least for the duration of your immersion in these Venus teachings. It is in our relationships that we most quickly come into touch with our Shadow patterns, as well as our ability to open our heart fully to life.
Using your relationships as a precise mirror of your unconscious Shadow patterns, you can access realms of transformation that otherwise would have remained hidden from you. Profound insights await you as huge creative potential lies locked behind the inner gates of this sequence. Once you begin to awaken the force of love from within your DNA, you had better be prepared for a new kind of life to emerge!
It might also be heartening to consider that as you yourself walk this Golden Path of Contemplation through the Gene Keys, many others are also doing this at the same time. Many of them may be having similar questions, doubts, insights and revelations to you. We all have to find our own way into the labyrinth of the Self, yet still we have many invisible travelling companions. Life is a beautiful paradox of aloneness and companionship.
Finally, you should realise that these teachings are rich, long and extensive. It will likely take you many months to gently work your way through each step and stage of your Venus Sequence. If you also chose to explore the Optional Materials, you can add even more months! So Relax and take a deep, deep breath. You are in this for the long term. Love requires your full commitment. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. For many it will be over a year as you integrate these teachings into your daily life and your other commitments. Breathe easy, and let it be easy!