
Category: Healers
Fear Key: Fear of Letting Go
Dream Arc Partners: Kingfisher/Stag
Related Gene Key: 21

I am Seahorse. I come to those who are in the process of learning to let go. What is it in your life that you are still trying to control? It is a sure bet that this is also the most painful area for you right now. How does one let go? It is not something you can easily do on a conscious level. I will help you. Bring all your attention to your spine. When you walk, focus on your spine. When you sit, focus on your spine. Find the connection between your spine and your breathing. Feel the rhythm of life as it flows through your spine. Do some spontaneous movements that allow your spine to flow. Breathe into these gentle movements. Imagine you are a seahorse, adrift on ocean currents, surrendered to cosmic forces far beyond your understanding or control.