August 18th – 23rd 2023

Gene Key 29


Half-Heartedness – Commitment – Devotion

This week we contemplate the theme of Commitment. Gene Key 29 challenges us by asking: what are you doing right now in a half-hearted way? If there is something or some relationship like this, then valuable energy is leaking through that window. 

This audio is no longer available to stream. Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

Breaking out of Overwhelm

Richard Rudd guides you simply and quickly to the core of the main issue that is overwhelming you right now. Discover how we can empower and free ourselves by using our intuition and imagination.

Jaguar's Journey – Part 2

Desert – Breaking out of overwhelm

The Jaguar’s Journey is a free mini-series giving you a glimpse into the world of the Dream Arc. Whether you’re joining us for the first time, or continuing on your Dream Arc journey, Jaguar welcomes you.

A Message from Jaguar

Let us journey into the desert. Deserts are magical places where mystery and mysticism abound. However, deserts are also places of exhaustion and emptiness. If you are feeling this overwhelm, you can use this short journey to pause and reset your tendencies.

Listen to the meditation of resilience or other resources to cultivate deeper dreaming as a source of inspiration for your journey…

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