December 30th 2024 – January 5th 2025

Gene Key 38


Struggle – Perseverance – Honour

This week we meet Gene Key 38 – the Key of the Spiritual Warrior. Can you be the effortless warrior whose deep, loving wisdom sidesteps even the need for battle? The true warrior does not wish to fight and so conflict becomes a dance, which paradoxically brings an end to the conflict.

This audio is no longer available to stream. Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

The Gene Keys is a system and a modality for embracing the shadow, for getting to know it and unlocking its higher purpose and higher meaning.

The very essence of the Gene Keys is ‘Every Shadow contains a Gift.’

Fragments of Light, Richard Rudd

Transforming Shadows – the power of breakthrough

What does it actually mean to transform your shadows? How do you do it?

Breakthrough has three distinct stages that can help us surrender more deeply into the process of transforming our shadows. Find out more about these stages in the article.

The Fear Tracker

New Fragments of Light Contemplation Series

‘Fragments of Light’ began as various personal insights shared by Richard in his YouTube videos about the art of contemplation and the Gene Keys. Over time, these reflections were thoughtfully reshaped by Juliet Savage into a book that feels both clear and timeless. These illuminating and inspiring stories have been refined, yet still retain a personal touch, accurately reflecting the experiences that influenced them. Each story in the collection invites you to pause, reflect and connect with your inner journey. 

We are excited to share a new video from the ‘Fragments of Light – Contemplation Series’, based on chapters from the book. We hope you find it enriching and inspirational. 

Final Call for the Early Bird Discount

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