August 5th – 11th 2024

Gene Key 7


Division – Guidance – Virtue

This week we contemplate Gene Key 7 – the Shadow here is Division and the Siddhi is Virtue. What virtue can you express this week in order to transcend the pressure that wants you to stay divided?

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Virtue is its own reward. It lies beyond the need for recognition and beyond the need to be of service. Virtue is simply the unimpeded expression of nature through people living at their zenith.

The Gene Keys, Richard Rudd

Entering the New Epoch

In this article, Richard Rudd speaks with great hope for the future of our species. Describing with empathy the difficulties that often come with inner transformation, he nevertheless urges us to take heart from those who have gone before us. Using the insights of the 58th Gene Key as a touchstone, he also speaks of the need for a new form of spiritual embodiment in which our collective ancestral karma must be transmuted and transcended before a new dawn can appear. Uplifting and thought-provoking.

The Great Change and the Dawn of the Future Human

Last Week: Early-Bird Tickets for London Event End on Friday!

In this video Richard extends a personal invitation and shares more details of the upcoming in-person event in London. Join us at the two-day event, November 23-24, for a profound journey into the power of the Gene Keys – a set of self-illuminating teachings designed precisely for this time of Great Change, as humanity undergoes a collective transformation.

Discover what awaits you in London. Click to watch and get ready for an unforgettable experience!

Learn more and register

Early Bird Tickets available until August 9th!

Please note: the Guides Programme will have a price increase to $950 as of September 1st, 2024.

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