Opening the Venus Stream
Retreat Overview
- Review the Introduction & Sphere of Purpose modules in the Venus Sequence online course
- Begin to contemplate the Gene Key & Line of your Sphere of Purpose
- Check out the Live Events calendar to plan your retreat schedule
- You will also see instructions on how to subscribe to the retreat schedule directly from your personal calendar app
- Please check that you are now receiving your weekly Venus Retreat emails for contemplation resource and event reminders.
- Check your Spam folder or “Promotions” tab – whitelist Gene Keys emails so you don’t miss a thing
- Complete your Live Events Registration Survey if you have not done so already
- New to Community Calls? Click here to learn more
- Questions or stories to share? Check out the private Venus Retreat group forum
- If you did not choose to opt in, you will be asked to join the forum before you can post / review the member directory
- This retreat forum is private only to members of this retreat, and your account is set to a default privacy so that only people you have accepted as friends/connections can view your profile.
- You can find more about how to use Community Features including changing your profile visibility settings here.
- We wish you a warm welcome to your Venus Retreat!