Affiliate Agreement

The Noble Code

An Ethical Agreement for all those working with the Gene Keys

The purpose of this document is to outline a simple set of values, rooted in the highest principles of the Gene Keys, to act as guidelines for all members of our extended Gene Keys community. We are each invited to follow and embody these guidelines to the very best of our ability, both in our private and our professional life. Thus we aim to work together towards greater self-honesty, forgiveness and care, fostering a unified spirit of reverence for all beings and their various stages of transformation.

Gene Keys Affiliate Agreement

The Gene Keys Affiliate Program is available to all Gene Keys Guides and approved Network Partners. By participating in this program, you are consenting to the terms of use as outlined below.The purpose of this Agreement is to set clear, concise terms regarding the relationship between Gene Keys Limited (“GKL”) and the Affiliate, with the Gene Keys Vision of mutual respect, in service of Synthesis, Synarchy and Syntropy. This agreement is not a license agreement. Affiliates are empowered to promote and share existing Gene Keys products to generate commissions based on referral sales. For those wishing to create new products or services related to the Gene Keys, please click here to learn more about becoming a Gene Keys Guide.

For those wishing to create new products or services using Gene Keys copyrighted material and teachings please contact to enquire.For Guides who have a signed license agreement with Gene Keys Ltd, you may refer to the additional branding guidelines and permissions granted in addition to the affiliate agreement below.

Affiliates are granted:

  • Ability to generate commissions on referral sales by using the affiliate tools provided
  • Access to media assets and resources to support promotional campaigns
  • Access to the Affiliates Newsletter for additional offers and invitations

Though GKL strives to provide improved resources for tracking clicks, sales, and customers we cannot guarantee the reliability that all referral sales will be tracked by the current affiliate tools provided. 

Affiliates understand and agree to:

  • the terms of use and privacy policy for
  • additional affiliate policies listed below including use of paid advertisements
  • honour the Gene Keys Approach and the Gene Keys Noble Code while working with the Gene Keys, Gene Keys Community, or Gene Keys Limited (GKL)
  • share only information related to the Gene Keys courses which have been officially approved and published by GKL; 
  • honor the intellectual property rights of Richard Rudd and Gene Keys Publishing by citing the author’s name for any excerpts and using links for for any related courses or products
  • not to carry out work in breach of GKL or of any other third-party Intellectual Property Rights, which obligation includes not to share, reproduce, record, copy, disseminate or distribute any Gene Keys material and content without the permission of GKL and/or the original author, as applicable; 
  • indemnify GKL for any costs, claims, loss or damages suffered by GKL or any Gene Keys Company, due to breach of this Agreement. 

Payout Requirements & Schedule

  • Payouts are made via PayPal merchant service and require each affiliate to have a PayPal account to receive commissions.
  • Payouts for earned referrals take place at the beginning of each calendar month, no later than the 10th of the month. Total referrals of $10 or more are paid by PayPal. Due to online processing fees, if your total referral for any month is less than $10, the referrals will not be paid. 
  • Due to our 30-day refund policy, payouts will not be made on referral sales for at least 30 days in the next appropriate billing cycle. For example, all referral sales made in the month of January will not be paid out as a commission to affiliates until March. 
  • Though it may not be your preferred payout option, at this time, we do require the use of Paypal for an affiliate based in a country that accepts this Paypal payments. If you work in a country that does not accept Paypal payments, please contact

Affiliate Payouts for Online Retreats & pre-sale items

Unlike normal products, online retreats and pre-sale items have a refund policy that allows customers to request a no-questions-asked refund up to 30 days AFTER THE EVENT/PRODUCT START DATE.

If registration opens 1-2 months before the online retreat or course launch, this can mean that the order could be 3 months before its refund policy is complete. A refund report will be calculated 30 days after the event begins and then cross-referenced with Affiliate Payouts. If there are any orders that were already paid out to Affiliates, but are now refunded, the total ineligible commissions will be deducted from that affiliate in a future month’s payout to compensate for the now rejected order. This method will ensure that Affiliates do not have to wait 3-4 months before receiving their commission, but Gene Keys will not be overpaying for orders that are no longer valid for Affiliate Commission.

For pre-sale products, or late registration retreat sales made after the official start of the retreat, the refund policy and affiliate payout procedure return to the standard 30-day policy from date of purchase.

Automatic Credits/Deductions for Affiliate Payouts

In the event of ineligible referrals being paid out to Affiliates, or a credit is needed for a referral that was misappropriated by an error in the system, we will apply the deduction or credit to the next month’s Affiliate Payout period. You should see the change in affiliate referrals reflected on your Affiliate dashboard, though if you have any questions about a deduction or credit applied to your account, you can always reach out to and we can review your account with you.

Paid Advertisement Policy

Including Google – Adwords, Display, YouTube and Meta, LinkedIn, and Twitter etc.

  • Gene Keys Ltd. leverages paid advertising to effectively promote the Gene Keys®️, Gene Keys specific products and events across all official social media channels. This practice aligns with our commitment to sharing the Gene Keys teachings far and wide, embodying blissful service, and enhancing community engagement.
  • We do not authorize any affiliate to pay for advertising using the specific keywords ‘Gene Keys’ or product names under the Gene Keys Publishing trademarks. If you are interested in using paid advertisements for your promotional campaign, please contact with your proposal for our team to review.

Privacy Policy

Fixing referral errors and manual commission payments

  • Though GKL strives to provide improved resources for tracking clicks, sales, and customers we cannot guarantee the reliability that all referral sales will be tracked by the current affiliate tools provided. 
  • Due to the high admin cost and technological limitations, we cannot guarantee that we can fix referral errors or offer manual commission payments. 
  • Please make sure that you encourage your users to click on your unique affiliate link in order for the cookies system to work so that you get your commission. Please note: cookies are not a foolproof system. Users may not always click on your link to get to our website, so we can’t guarantee that you will get the commission. As more features become available, we will inform our affiliates. 

Can I get Affiliate Commission on my own personal purchases?

We do not allow commissions to be generated on your own purchases, which includes Purchase for a Friend.

You can only give a commission on your purchase to another Affiliate (if using their affiliate link) or to the Scholarship Fund. The option to donate the commission to the Scholarship Fund appears during checkout.

If you are a Guide, you are gifted with a 30% discount for most digital products rather than receiving a payout on your own purchases


This Agreement is entered into for an indefinite period unless terminated with immediate effect by written notice to the other party if such party:a. is in a material irremediable breach of any term of this Agreement or (if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy that breach within a period of ten (10) days after being notified in writing to do so;
b. repeatedly breaches any of the terms of this Agreement in such a manner as to reasonably justify the opinion that its conduct is inconsistent with the intention, purpose and the terms of this Agreement;
c. may bring any party to this Agreement into disrepute or a continuation of this Agreement may pose not only reputational but also legal or financial risk to such party; or
d. simply wishes to part ways for whatever reason. Following the termination of the Agreement, (a) GKL shall remove the Affiliate Guide from its directories, websites and any other materials and terminate the Guides Agreement; (b) GKL shall remove a non-Guide Affiliate from its network of partners or any relevant directories or any other materials; and (c) the Affiliate shall cease to benefit from the Referral Commission program, though such Affiliate may still receive the Referral Commission due and generated in the previous billing cycle.

Other Terms

The rights and obligations related to “Confidentiality”, “Data protection”, “Intellectual Property Rights”, “Governing law”, “Resolution of Disputes” and the “Gene Keys Terminology” as set out in the Guides Agreement shall be deemed to apply to all Affiliates, whether or not such Affiliate is a Guide and shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

Effective day

This Agreement is effective on the day of its publication and replaces and supersedes in its entirety any previous Affiliates Agreements or Affiliates Policy or other terms and contracts as may have been in place from time to time, prior to the publication of this Agreement with the existing Affiliates. Any new Affiliate will automatically be bound by the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement may be further varied and updated by GKL as needed through the publication on the above website. 

Gene Keys Approach & Terms of Use