Meet Anisoara
Every now and then on the Pulse, we like to introduce a member of our wonderfully diverse Gene Keys global community. We ask each person to share how they met the Gene Keys, what impact it is having in their lives and where it is leading them. It’s wonderful to see how deeply the Gene Keys are affecting different places and communities in the world through the lens of our beautiful friends. This month, we’d like to introduce Anisoara Cismasu, Gene Keys Guide and Ambassador.
I graduated with a degree in Economic Sciences, and then worked for many years in the financial field. After years of working in this area, I had learnt many practical things, but I became aware that I found no joy in what I was doing. I started to look for the meaning and deeper truth of life, and to explore consciousness. Some people easily find a spiritual practice or a teaching which they devote themselves to. I tried many, yet I could not find one that felt right and didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere.
At the end of 2013, I went through a moment of physical suffering with unknown causes that kept me in bed for three weeks. I was at a point where I was self-searching but felt confused. I couldn’t find myself in what I was doing, and didn’t know what to do next. I was waiting to feel some sense of the next direction and was ready to plunge into the unknown. Then, one day when I was starting to recover, my attention was drawn to a link that featured the Gene Keys book on Amazon. I felt called by this book and bought it immediately. I was 48 years old, with Gene Key 48 as my Evolution in my Hologenetic Profile.
I did not know that I was so thirsty for everything the Gene Keys book conveyed. As I sank into it, a long-forgotten form of passion and enthusiasm reawakened inside as if I had drunk a life-giving elixir. At night, sitting with the Gene Keys book next to me and reading short passages from it, I could feel that something within me was responding, as if the words from the book were awakening some very deep and unknown part of myself. I started following Richard Rudd to all the live events he organised in the following years: the Seven Sacred Seals retreat in the Cortes Islands, Canada in 2015, the Venus Retreat in Sinaia, Romania in 2015, the Star Pearl Retreat in Findhorn, Scotland in 2016, and the Ambassador Freedom Retreat in Findhorn, in 2019.
In April 2015, I resigned from my job and started working on my own as a Transformational Coach and New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Teacher. As my connection with the transmission of the Gene Keys deepened, my inner being went through a process of transformation and softening. Gradually I unlearned the known way of being and I began to discover and learn a new way of being both with myself and with others. I learned to listen deeply to everything, from pain to joy – and to nature. I started recognising patterns, and moving with trust through the rough processes of death and rebirth. I cherished silence and simplicity.

Anişoara Cismaşu – Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide.
I learned to have faith in life and in patience. Everything has its time. Time seems to be life’s ally – it reveals the phenomena and the movement of consciousness from one era to another, from one civilisation to another, from one form to another, and from one role to another.
‘Love holds everything.’ I heard this sentence for the first time in 2015 at the Seven Sacred Seals retreat, and only now, after eight years, do I deeply understand it. So, for those interested in the Gene Keys transmission I have these words: Where there is Love anything is possible. Love holds everything. Yet, even if Love holds everything, she needs human beings willing to surrender to her work. Love does the work. We just have to allow it to happen.
I graduated with a degree in Economic Sciences, and then worked for many years in the financial field. After years of working in this area, I had learnt many practical things, but I became aware that I found no joy in what I was doing. I started to look for the meaning and deeper truth of life, and to explore consciousness. Some people easily find a spiritual practice or a teaching which they devote themselves to. I tried many, yet I could not find one that felt right and didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere.

Anişoara Cismaşu – Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide.
At the end of 2013, I went through a moment of physical suffering with unknown causes that kept me in bed for three weeks. I was at a point where I was self-searching but felt confused. I couldn’t find myself in what I was doing, and didn’t know what to do next. I was waiting to feel some sense of the next direction and was ready to plunge into the unknown. Then, one day when I was starting to recover, my attention was drawn to a link that featured the Gene Keys book on Amazon. I felt called by this book and bought it immediately. I was 48 years old, with Gene Key 48 as my Evolution in my Hologenetic Profile.
I did not know that I was so thirsty for everything the Gene Keys book conveyed. As I sank into it, a long-forgotten form of passion and enthusiasm reawakened inside as if I had drunk a life-giving elixir. At night, sitting with the Gene Keys book next to me and reading short passages from it, I could feel that something within me was responding, as if the words from the book were awakening some very deep and unknown part of myself. I started following Richard Rudd to all the live events he organised in the following years: the Seven Sacred Seals retreat in the Cortes Islands, Canada in 2015, the Venus Retreat in Sinaia, Romania in 2015, the Star Pearl Retreat in Findhorn, Scotland in 2016, and the Ambassador Freedom Retreat in Findhorn, in 2019.
In April 2015, I resigned from my job and started working on my own as a Transformational Coach and New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Teacher. As my connection with the transmission of the Gene Keys deepened, my inner being went through a process of transformation and softening. Gradually I unlearned the known way of being and I began to discover and learn a new way of being both with myself and with others. I learned to listen deeply to everything, from pain to joy – and to nature. I started recognising patterns, and moving with trust through the rough processes of death and rebirth. I cherished silence and simplicity.
I learned to have faith in life and in patience. Everything has its time. Time seems to be life’s ally – it reveals the phenomena and the movement of consciousness from one era to another, from one civilisation to another, from one form to another, and from one role to another.
‘Love holds everything.’ I heard this sentence for the first time in 2015 at the Seven Sacred Seals retreat, and only now, after eight years, do I deeply understand it. So, for those interested in the Gene Keys transmission I have these words: Where there is Love anything is possible. Love holds everything. Yet, even if Love holds everything, she needs human beings willing to surrender to her work. Love does the work. We just have to allow it to happen.
I graduated with a degree in Economic Sciences, and then worked for many years in the financial field. After years of working in this area, I had learnt many practical things, but I became aware that I found no joy in what I was doing. I started to look for the meaning and deeper truth of life, and to explore consciousness. Some people easily find a spiritual practice or a teaching which they devote themselves to. I tried many, yet I could not find one that felt right and didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere.
At the end of 2013, I went through a moment of physical suffering with unknown causes that kept me in bed for three weeks. I was at a point where I was self-searching but felt confused. I couldn’t find myself in what I was doing, and didn’t know what to do next. I was waiting to feel some sense of the next direction and was ready to plunge into the unknown. Then, one day when I was starting to recover, my attention was drawn to a link that featured the Gene Keys book on Amazon. I felt called by this book and bought it immediately. I was 48 years old, with Gene Key 48 as my Evolution in my Hologenetic Profile.
I did not know that I was so thirsty for everything the Gene Keys book conveyed. As I sank into it, a long-forgotten form of passion and enthusiasm reawakened inside as if I had drunk a life-giving elixir. At night, sitting with the Gene Keys book next to me and reading short passages from it, I could feel that something within me was responding, as if the words from the book were awakening some very deep and unknown part of myself. I started following Richard Rudd to all the live events he organised in the following years: the Seven Sacred Seals retreat in the Cortes Islands, Canada in 2015, the Venus Retreat in Sinaia, Romania in 2015, the Star Pearl Retreat in Findhorn, Scotland in 2016, and the Ambassador Freedom Retreat in Findhorn, in 2019.
In April 2015, I resigned from my job and started working on my own as a Transformational Coach and New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Teacher. As my connection with the transmission of the Gene Keys deepened, my inner being went through a process of transformation and softening. Gradually I unlearned the known way of being and I began to discover and learn a new way of being both with myself and with others. I learned to listen deeply to everything, from pain to joy – and to nature. I started recognising patterns, and moving with trust through the rough processes of death and rebirth. I cherished silence and simplicity.
I learned to have faith in life and in patience. Everything has its time. Time seems to be life’s ally – it reveals the phenomena and the movement of consciousness from one era to another, from one civilisation to another, from one form to another, and from one role to another.
‘Love holds everything.’ I heard this sentence for the first time in 2015 at the Seven Sacred Seals retreat, and only now, after eight years, do I deeply understand it. So, for those interested in the Gene Keys transmission I have these words: Where there is Love anything is possible. Love holds everything. Yet, even if Love holds everything, she needs human beings willing to surrender to her work. Love does the work. We just have to allow it to happen.

Anişoara Cismaşu – Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide.
Community Spotlight

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