8 learning Modules with inspiring videos, meditations and contemplations

The Gene Keys Guides Programme is a self-study course that demonstrates how to guide others into the Gene Keys wisdom, with a strong emphasis on embodiment.
Having completed this course, you will be empowered to share any aspect of the Gene Keys that you have studied with us.
This comprehensive programme also gives you the creative freedom, skills and experience necessary to create a flourishing business with the Gene Keys.
A Gene Keys Guide is a role model of the contemplative way. With lucid mind, open heart and embodied presence, the Guide is a beacon of light during uncertain times.
Programme Features

Eligibility through the Guides Agreement to share the Gene Keys professionally
Certificate of Completion & License Agreement
Dedicated Guides Forum & regular hosted live calls
Access to the Entrepreneur’s Club gathering for Guides
Ability to earn 30% affiliate commission on referral sales of online products
Access to Guides Wholesale Product to bundle Gene Keys courses with your services & events
No ongoing Guides membership fees
Expanded Branding Resources & Templates (coming soon)
Guides Global Directory & Map (coming soon)
Contents of the Programme

You will learn:
- how to guide others through personal transformations using the Gene Keys
- how to host the Gene Keys in one-to-one sessions and groups
- how to hold Profile sessions, with practical tips and pointers from our experienced team
- how to integrate the Gene Keys with your existing skills and personal brand
Programme Highlights
- The Gene Keys Approach
- The Beginner’s Mind
- Holding a Profile Session
- Living the Lines
- Inquiry Aikido
- Intellect vs Inquiry
- Shadow Work
- Exploring Trinities
- Hosting Groups
- Becoming a Gene Keys Entrepreneur
- The Gene Keys Vision

Meet Your Hosts
How to Register
Registration for the Guides Programme
Cost: $950 (Price is in USD and includes all taxes where applicable)
Online Course Prerequisites: The Activation Sequence & The Venus Sequence
We ask that all participants take at least six months exploring the Activation & Venus sequence through their own contemplative process before embarking on the Guides Programme. The Guides Programme requires an additional three months of contemplation before the final completion steps will be available.
There is no ongoing membership fee for being a Guide. Upon completion of this programme, those intending to share the Gene Keys professionally are required to sign our Guides Publishing Agreement. Click here to preview this agreement before committing to the programme.
Your Questions Answered
Please read our ‘frequently asked questions’ to learn more about this dynamic programme.
Is there a deadline for registration?
No, there will be no cut-off date for registration, as this is an ongoing self-study online course. The Guides Programme is designed to be flexible enough for you to determine your pace of study. All resources are available upon purchase, and will be accessible at any time from your account. There is no time limit to complete the programme. In fact, you are encouraged to take this course at a patient and deliberate rhythm to fully integrate the Gene Keys Approach into your life.
Once you feel you have fully reviewed the course contents, you may choose to sign the Guides Agreement and receive your certificate of completion.
What can I do as a Guide? Can I teach classes? Host retreats? Offer sessions?
While the Guides Programme is not a training, it does offer a generous opportunity for those who feel called to share the Gene Keys in a professional context. Having completed this course, you will be empowered to share any aspect of the Gene Keys that you have studied with us.
This comprehensive programme gives you the creative freedom, skills and experience necessary to create a flourishing business with the Gene Keys. Upon completion, you will be invited to sign the Guides Agreement for sharing the Gene Keys in a professional context. You may preview the Guides Agreement for more context on the publishing agreement included at the end of this programme.
This programme does not qualify you as a ‘teacher’. The Gene Keys is a self-illuminating voyage and does not use the word ‘teacher’.
Gene Keys Guides are empowered to host courses or experiences in their own groups, events, sessions, and services as long as they have done the following:
- completed the Guides Programme and agreed to the values and principles of the Gene Keys Approach as outlined in detail through the Guides Agreement
- have purchased and participated fully in the particular course to be used in the particular service or event
- have followed the provided publishing guidelines when using Gene Keys brand icons and imagery
- honoured the source teachings by promoting or, where applicable, requiring their clients to purchase the original online courses available on genekeys.com
The Guides Programme explains these steps in greater detail. If you are interested in taking the Gene Keys teachings out into the world, especially in a professional context, this is the perfect course for you.
Is there a final exam or test?
No, the Gene Keys Guides Programme is not a training and does not require any graded examinations or assessments. Like all Gene Keys online courses, this is a self-illuminating voyage. It is a self-study programme, so you will choose the pace at which you engage with the materials. After reviewing all of the modules in the online course and engaging with the supplied contemplation prompts, you will be invited to review and sign the Guides Agreement to signify your commitment to the Gene Keys Approach.
Are there live events in this course?
The Guides Programme itself is a self-study course, and all of the materials are available without any live webinars or events required to attend.
In addition to the course materials, all participants will be automatically registered into the Guides Group Forum and have access to live calls with your Hosts. These video calls will be a place to ask questions and share with the Guides Team as well as other Ambassadors, Guides, and Hosts. These bi-monthly live calls will be available to anyone in the Guides Programme, and the schedule will be accessible from inside the Guides Group Forum.
Can I join if I am brand new to the Gene Keys?
The Guides Programme requires students to have purchased and completed the online courses Part 1: The Activation Sequence and Part 2: The Venus Sequence. Anyone who has not purchased these online courses via genekeys.com will not be eligible for the Guides Programme.
If you are new to the Gene Keys, we recommend exploring Part 1: The Activation Sequence. It is a step by step exploration of your personal Gene Keys, and a prerequisite for those wanting to share as a Gene Keys Guide.
We ask that all participants take at least six months to explore the Activation & Venus sequence through their own contemplative process, as well as three months exploring the Guides Programme before becoming a Gene Keys Guide. If you feel you need to spend more time with these two foundational sequences, you will always have access to this course in the future and can return anytime you feel ready. If you have any questions, please contact guides@genekeys.com.
Does the Deep Dive Virtual Retreat count as the required course for registration?
Yes! If you purchased one of the 2020 Virtual Retreats from genekeys.com, your account already has access to the related course.
- The Activation Sequence Virtual Retreat – Deep Dive into Genius includes the Activation Sequence online course, and qualifies as the required course needed for Guides Registration
- The Venus Sequence Virtual Retreat – Deep Dive into Love includes the Venus Sequence online course, and qualifies as the required course needed for Guides Registration
Please note – no other virtual retreats or events / services outside of genekeys.com count towards this required course credit. All Guides are required to have purchased the original teachings in the online course format, on their own account, in order to be eligible for registration. If you have any additional questions about your account purchases, please contact support
I bought the Activation & Venus Sequence books on Amazon. Is that enough to enter?
The book “Genius – A Guide to your Activation Sequence”, available on Amazon, is the optional printed version of the text included the Activation Sequence course. While this companion book has a lot of information included in the programme, it is not the complete package. You will still need to have the entire Activation Sequence & Venus Sequence online course in order to participate in the Guides Programme.
The printed books are designed to be a companion add-on for those who prefer to read in print as opposed to reading the text in the online course only.
If you have not purchased the online courses from genekeys.com, then you will need to purchase the necessary courses before registering for the Guides Programme.
Required Online Courses
How can I meet or engage with other Guides, Ambassadors, and Hosts?
Upon registering for this course, you will be given access to the Guides Group Forum & live calls. All participants are encouraged to engage in the forum with topics of interest, or attend the bi-monthly video conference calls, to ask question, share experiences, and learn together with other Guides, Ambassadors, and Hosts.
What is the difference between Guides and Ambassadors?
Guides are students of the Gene Keys who have completed at least the Activation & Venus Sequences, and agree to the values and principles of the Gene Keys Approach. This includes signing the Guides Agreement, and reviewing the publishing guidelines, to share their own services and events in a professional context.
Ambassadors are long time voyagers of the Gene Keys who have made a deep inner commitment to the transmission. The Ambassador Initiation requires at least 18 months of contemplation in the Gene Keys Golden Path, as well as completion of the Guides Programme. The current Ambassador Circle includes the first round of pioneers and co-creators who have helped host the Gene Keys in live events around the world. The next Ambassador Initiation is still in development, and will now require the Guides Programme as its foundation.
Is this programme available in languages other than English?
Gene Keys Publishing is currently working with an amazing team of translators and multilingual Guides and Ambassadors to accommodate more Gene Keys material in other languages across the globe.
This programme will not be immediately available in languages other than English. In the future, we do plan on translating the resources for the Guides Programme.
Can I share my login for the Guides Programme with others?
No, each Gene Keys Guide must purchase their own online course, connected to their own personal username.
The Gene Keys is an amazing gift to share with friends and family. However, the training programmes and online courses are designed specifically for YOU. The best way to review the resources is for each participant to have their own login to genekeys.com courses. That way the information you read is based on YOUR unique hologenetic profile.
Thank you for respecting the dedicated work that went into these teachings, and refrain from publicly posting or sharing private course materials without consent.
Remember, investing in this program can bring about new pathways of prosperity in your own life. Only those who have completed the Guides Programme on genekeys.com will receive the certificate of completion, or be eligible for the Ambassador programme.
Can I pay in installments or on a payment plan?
Technically, Gene Keys does not offer payment plans; however, we do have Pay Later through PayPal which allows you to pay in installments. During the checkout process, select PayPal as your payment method, then select the Pay Later button to view your options. For additional instructions on how Pay Later works, you can review our support article.
Please note, this service is offered by PayPal and is not available in all countries.
If you would like to apply for a scholarship, you may do so at https://genekeys.com/scholarships
Is there financial aid available (scholarships, bursaries)?
Yes there are scholarships available. Our Scholarship Programme is open to anyone, regardless of who or where they are, wishing to apply for financial assistance to purchase the Guides Programme and any other on-line course we offer.
You can find out more about applying for scholarships, or contributing a donation to support the scholarship fund, at https://genekeys.com/scholarships
If you have any additional questions, you can contact our Guides Team below.
Pay Later Installments
You can register today and pay in installments by using the
PayPal Pay Later option during checkout!
Click below to learn more about our installment plans.