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Seu Perfil das Chaves-Gene
O seu Perfil das Chaves-Gene é o início de uma jornada épica pelas profundezas da sua alma. Cada Chave-Gene no seu Perfil Hologenético é um portal de transformação que pode ser ativado pelo poder da contemplação. Para entender completamente o seu Perfil, recomenda-se explorar a Senda Dourada – uma jornada passo a passo que mostra como aplicar essa sabedoria à sua vida.
Crie Seu Perfil das Chaves-Gene

New to the Gene Keys? Try this free mini-course!
Here you can open a free account, generate your profile and step-by-step guidance through three of your unique Gene Keys.
The Golden Path
A Step by Step Guide to Your Profile
The Golden Path Program offers simple step-by-step guidance to engage with the Gene Keys Wisdom in your life. This program describes in detail how to decode your profile, describing each Line, Sphere, and Pathway. Your self-illuminating journey begins here.
How to read your profile
Free Introductory Resources
Here we provide a basic description of each of the sections of your profile. These free introductory resources can get you started. For full information for how to decode your profile explore the online courses, starting with the Activation Sequence.
Language Hubs
Translated Resources & Community
Here we provide a directory of Mother language hubs offering translated resources from our global partners. If you are interested in exploring the Gene Keys in a language other than English, this is a great way to find community resources in your language.