June 2nd – 7th 2023

Gene Key 35


Hunger – Adventure – Boundlessness

This week we contemplate Gene Key 35. You might like to explore the razor’s edge between boundaries and boundlessness. Boundlessness includes healthy boundaries. Where in your life do you need clearer boundaries?

This audio is no longer available to stream. Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

It’s ALL about relationships!

When we draw our last breath, in the last moments of our lives, it won’t be ETs, conspiracies or UFOs that we will be thinking about. It will be our relationships – our greatest teachers and benefactors. In part 3 of their conversation about the Venus Sequence, Richard and Regina Meredith take a look at the fascinating ways in which we all cope and (hopefully) grow through our relationships.

The Delta in Auroville Community

Hear the amazing story about our Gene Keys Delta Program as it was recently introduced en masse to the famous Auroville Community, based on the teachings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, in India. The Delta Programme was generously gifted and received with much gratitude by Auroville. Please enjoy all resources and this inspiring short video, where Richard, Natasha and Pia share their beautiful vision for the role the Delta may play in bringing harmony, healing and transformation to Communities across the planet, and receive a glimpse of the powerful changes the community Deltas in Auroville have already brought about.

Reflections on the Delta Programme in Auroville Community

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