August 23rd – August 28th 2023

Gene Key 59


Dishonesty – Intimacy – Transparency

This week we contemplate Gene Key 59 – a great week to speak the truth and to build intimacy. Be open for breakthroughs in relationships.

This audio is no longer available to stream. Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

Dream Arc Initiation Retreat

Early Bird Sale lasts until August 31st!

The Dream Arc gently prepares us for a new world and teaches us how to play again… You don’t need to learn anything new or devote hours of your time to studying. You hone your intuition like a laser, to increase lucidity, improve decision-making and build a deep trust in the flow of events in the world.

To Be the Spirit of the Mango Tree

Samson Turinawe is one of the many amazing Wisdom Keepers in the Dream Arc course. He is also the Executive Director of the Universal Love Alliance, an educator, human rights defender and Ugandan humanitarian. Here he shares from his tradition about becoming the spirit of the mango tree and how we become more attuned to nature through this simple intention.

If you would like to explore the possibility of supporting Samson and his cause, you can find out more here.

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