Gene Key 64
Confusion – Imagination – Illumination
“The 64th Gene Key, along with its Programming Partner the 63rd, are such an extraordinary pairing. The whole I Ching can be reduced down to four Gene Keys – the 1 and 2 and the 63 and 64, the bookends which mystically contain all other Gene Keys.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Living Library Resources
Scroll down to explore the Synthesis
Gene Keys Spectrum
Codon Ring
The I Ching
Programming Partner
Integral Human Design
Dream Arc Codex
Siddha Palm Mudra
64 Ways Audio Contemplation
Gene Keys Spectrum
Codon Ring
The I Ching
Programming Partner
Integral Human Design
Dream Arc Codex
Siddha Palm Mudra
64 Ways Audio Contemplation