‘The Gene Keys are neither astrology nor are they a traditional profiling system. Each Gene Key and its line is a touchstone for a process of inner transformation, therefore it is not necessary to be too fixated on the system itself. The power of this work comes from your willingness to own your own Shadow patterns and your ability to envision your life at its highest frequency‘
-Richard Rudd
The Gene Keys are accessible to all people, whether or not you know your birth time. For those who were adopted, or simply do not have access to their birthdate, location, and/or time can still find great benefit from these teachings. Below are a few examples of how to approximate your hologenetic profile, or which courses do not require inputting your birth time.
Check different profiles by approximating your birth time
If you do not know your accurate time, we suggest using the Free Profile and generate several different versions. We suggest starting with noon (12:00 PM). Your time of birth may not always have much effect on your Gene Keys Profile. It depends on whether you were born on or near a changing cusp. If in doubt, you can do several Profiles and try a range of times (e.g., early in the morning and late in the evening). Then compare the Profile report (especially looking at the Gene Key numbers) and see if there is any difference. If there is a difference, then you can read and contemplate the information given in the Golden Path Program and the Gene Keys book and trust your intuition to find the best fit for you.
Do I need to adjust for daylight savings or time zone?
No, the profiler will do these calculations for you. All you need to do is enter your birth time and the birth location (or any city within the same time zone as your birth town).
Ways to explore the Gene Keys without a birth date / time
While the Hologenetic Profile can be a very powerful way to explore the Gene Keys, they are all portals of wisdom available to anyone at any time. There are other courses that do not directly correlate to birthdate at all, and still provide potent contemplations for your life.
Courses without birthdate / time
- Art of Contemplation
- The Delta Programme
- Seven Sacred Seals
- The Epiphany Experience
- Dare to be Divine
Other ways to contemplate the Gene Keys
- Many people have found great insights by using the book or 64 Ways audios as an “oracle”. You can randomly choose one of the 64 keys by drawing a card, throwing the i ching, or randomly open the book to a specific chapter and draw wisdom from the present moment.
- There are many beautiful decks and apps out there that reference the 64 hexagrams and can be used as an aid to contemplate the Gene Keys. Such as the Wisdom Keepers deck by Rosy Aronson, and the Gene Keys Synthesis Deck by Elijah Parker.
- You can also visit https://genekeys.com/ home page and choose a random Gene Key via the generator there.