Some of the Spheres in the Golden Path take on different themes depending on which of the Golden Path Sequences you are exploring. For example, the Sphere of Purpose is shared in both the Activation & Venus Sequence.
The Line Keynotes will be worded differently as you explore them in the two different Sequences. The Line Number (Line 1, Line 2, etc) will stay the same in both sequences, but the keynote will change its wording and description.
For example, if you have a line 1 in your Purpose Sphere, it will read “Line 1 – Physicality / Bones” in your standard Free Profile. This keynote is when you look at Purpose from the lens of the Activation Sequence. In the Venus Sequence course, you will be exploring these keynotes from a different lens. The keynote now changes to read “Line 1 – The Loner / Anchor”. Though the basic energy is the same, it is now about contemplating the line 1 in regard to relationships.
Whichever Sequence you are currently exploring, read the Line Keynotes from that perspective. And later, when you visit a different sequence with the same Sphere, you may find new insights to deepen your understanding of that particular Line when reading its new keynotes.
You can see these keynotes change in your Hologenetic Profile by changing the slider at the bottom.

Spheres with Different Line Keynotes
Life’s Work / Brand
The “Sphere of your Life’s Work” has different keynotes based on whether it is in the Activation Sequence (Life’s Work) or the Pearl Sequence (Brand)
The “Sphere of your Purpose” has different keynotes based on whether it is in the Activation Sequence or the Venus Sequence
Core / Vocation
The “Sphere of your Vocation” has different keynotes based on whether it is in the Venus Sequence (Core) or the Pearl Sequence (Vocation)