Is the Gene Keys a cult?

Every once in a while, people may feel afraid or concerned that the Gene Keys is a ‘cult’. We want to share more about the Gene Keys approach to help dispel any worries about the potentially harmful and abusive tactics of close-minded cults and what makes the Gene Keys different.

The Gene Keys is a set of contemplative teachings, designed to inspire anyone to discover the innate wisdom inside themselves. People from all different walks of life have discovered the Gene Keys, and many find themselves drawn to connect and form new friendships, networks, and communities around the globe to explore these contemplative teachings together. Some may feel drawn to a particular Guide or Ambassador to support their journey. Others prefer to study alone, bringing the insights from the courses, books, meditations, and videos into their own introspective practice. However you may feel drawn to the Gene Keys teachings, it is important to remember that this a personal journey of self-exploration. Your participation in these teachings is your acceptance that we do not provide any type of psychological, therapeutic support or other professional advice. You are fully responsible for your own wellbeing, choices and actions.

The primary purpose of our Gene Keys Hosts is to model the Gene Keys Approach. Hosts foster a culture of friendship and warmth, inspire self-inquiry and listen with humility and respect to the issues and questions that may arise in the group. Whilst our Hosts will do their utmost to support the whole group journey from a place of compassion, they are not able to provide any form of therapeutic support.

The term “cult” tends to be defined in a modern context as an ideological organization, held together by demanding high levels of commitment, and are at risk of being exploitatively manipulative and abusive to its members. Though different people may have different definitions of cults, ranging from the ancient mystery schools to modern fanaticism, it is important for each person to follow their own path of discernment.

The Gene Keys, as a set of teachings, does not require any level of zealous commitment, monetary contributions, special clothing, equipment, or lifestyle choices. Though online products, courses, retreats and events may cost money, there are hundreds of free resources available on and scholarship opportunities for those unable or uninterested to contribute financially. Those who feel a resonance to the teachings can make agreements with Gene Keys Ltd. through the Guides Programme, but this programme is not designed to train indoctrinate but rather to encourage each person’s unique wisdom to emerge naturally and authentically when sharing about the Gene Keys teachings.

There may be local and online groups or communities that form, inspired by the Gene Keys, that are not directly related with Richard Rudd or Gene Keys Ltd. Though we are grateful for the many diverse ways people find inspiration from these contemplative teachings, we do not promote or guarantee any third-party experiences that may be offered outside of If you feel concerned about a particular group of people, or invitations that feel outside of the scope of the Gene Keys approach, please use your discernment. If you have questions about whether or not an event, person, or offering is officially endorsed by Gene Keys Ltd. you can write to us at

The Gene Keys approach encourages everyone to participate in their own life fully – to learn their own levels of discernment, intuition, and wisdom to navigate life’s challenges and discover the gifts hidden within. The Gene Keys Approach invites us to develop our humility through embodying the four qualities that lie at the heart of the Gene Keys.  Please consider these values as you navigate the Gene Keys Teachings.

  • Contemplation – taking full responsibility for one’s inner state, using everyday challenges for growth and transformation.  
  • Inquiry â€“ asking the profound introspective questions, inviting wisdom to come from within. Cultivating a state of presence in all situations. 
  • Gentleness â€“ nurturing a kind and gracious approach towards self and others. Encouraging a spirit of unwinding and un-learning, versus striving and fixing. 
  • Patience – cultivating compassion, honesty and curiosity with an inherent trust in the underlying process. Â