Your Hologenetic Profile is a personalised map of your inner being. It shows you the archetypal patterns that block the natural manifestation of your Genius (Shadows), and how to transform these patterns into your Gifts. Rather than being a fixed set of blueprints, your Profile represents a great journey you are on in life – to unlock the latent higher capacities of your Genius. Take a look at the words that appear in your Profile and you will have some idea of your highest potentials in life as well as the challenges that you are here to overcome. To understand these words and bring them alive in your life is the whole work of this wisdom.
Understanding your Profile
In each Sphere of your profile, you will see a number (between 1 of 64). This number represents your unique Gene Key for that sphere, which is determined by the date and time of your birth. We can awaken the higher components of each of our Gene Keys by contemplating them over time and in sequence.

Each Gene Key also has the following three components:
Your Shadow – a challenge to surmount
Your Gift – a creative attribute
Your Siddhi – a transcendent realisation
You will also see a Line Keynote (the small number after the dot) which describes a deeper aspect of how this Gene Key may show up in your life. Beyond the scope of the main Gene Keys book, the Line Keynotes are explained in depth within the Golden Path online programme and the books that go with it.
Some good ways to contemplate your Gene Keys…
- Read the relevant chapter in the Gene Keys book
- Listen or read to the relevant Gene Key in the 64 Ways Audio series
- Learn all about the Spheres, Lines and Pathways in the Golden Path online course
- Practice the Art of Contemplation in your everyday life