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The Pulse

Gene Key of the Day


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Spectrum of Consciousness

1 of 46


2 of 46

The Gene Keys Book

3 of 46

The Living Library

4 of 46


5 of 46
Human Design 6 of 46 The I Ching 7 of 46

The Advent of the Centaurs

8 of 46


9 of 46

The Ecstatics

10 of 46

Termas & Tertons

11 of 46

The Great Change

12 of 46

Glossary of Empowerment

13 of 46

Spirituality and…

14 of 46

The Seven Sacred Seals

15 of 46

The Art of Contemplation

16 of 46

The Venus Sequence

17 of 46

The Activation Sequence

18 of 46

The Pearl Sequence

19 of 46

The Hologenetic Profile

20 of 46

Transforming Shadows

21 of 46

The Pulse

22 of 46

Fragments of Light

23 of 46


24 of 46

Living Wisdom

25 of 46

The Triple Flame

26 of 46
Meditations 27 of 46

The Corpus Christi Teachings

28 of 46

Gene Keys Guides

29 of 46


30 of 46


31 of 46

The Dream Arc

32 of 46

The Codes of Chemistry

33 of 46

Share the Gene Keys

34 of 46

Community Calls

35 of 46

Codon Rings

36 of 46

Global Cycles

37 of 46

Wheel of Time

38 of 46

The Delta

39 of 46

The 55

40 of 46

Siddha Palm Mudras

41 of 46

The Crystal Alphabet

42 of 46

The Wisdom Keepers

43 of 46

Open Calls

44 of 46

Global Language Hubs

45 of 46

The Epiphany Experience

46 of 46

Invoke Synchronicity

Ask the Oracle to find a random resource from the library

Spectrum of Consciousness

Central to the Gene Keys Synthesis, the Spectrum of Consciousness is the linguistic map that you can use to reprogram your entire worldview and ultimately imprint your DNA with a high frequency that will expand your awareness and open your heart. Constructed out of three frequency ‘bands’ known as the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi, the spectrum makes the Gene Keys simple to understand, contemplate and ultimately embody.

Explore the Synthesis

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The Living Library

Gene Keys Correspondences

Audio Library

Guided Audio Contemplations

Featured Videos

Transmissions by Richard Rudd

Browse the latest free resources

  • All Resources
  • Announcement
  • Audio
  • Corpus Christi
  • Dream Arc
  • Fragments of Light
  • Interview
  • Love
  • Spirituality Series
  • Transforming Shadows Series
  • Video
All Resources
  • All Resources
  • Announcement
  • Audio
  • Corpus Christi
  • Dream Arc
  • Fragments of Light
  • Interview
  • Love
  • Spirituality Series
  • Transforming Shadows Series
  • Video

Dream Arc Profiler

What is the animal symbol for your Sphere of Purpose?​
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Richard offers a more advanced technique of working within the Gene Keys Synthesis, showing how one can blend and flow between different aspects of the teachings simultaneously, surrendering into the magic of the contemplative way.
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Jaguar’s Journey

Inspired by our amazing online program, the Dream Arc, this free mini-series is your chance to sprinkle a bit more magic into your everyday life.
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Seeds of Love

Every one of the 64 Gene Keys represents a kind of love. Here are 13 examples you can play with. Click our mini-Oracle and see which love choses you and then today following this love in your life.
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Living Wisdom

Listen to The Gene Keys set to exquisitely beautiful soundtracks. Created by musical genius Entheo and Phutureprimitive using excerpts from the 64 Ways by Richard Rudd.
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New Book – Dare to be Divine

Richard Rudd takes us on a guided journey through the 64 expressions of enlightened consciousness (the 64 ‘Siddhis’ of the Gene Keys) and reveals a vast view of the true potential of humanity.
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The Spectrum of Consciousness

Central to the Gene Keys Synthesis, the Spectrum of Consciousness is the linguistic map that you can use to reprogram your entire worldview and ultimately imprint your DNA with a high frequency that will expand your awareness and open your heart. Constructed out of three frequency ‘bands’ known as the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi, the spectrum makes the Gene Keys simple to understand, contemplate and ultimately embody.

Download the Spectrum and use it alongside the book – as an oracle, a reference or a mirror of your current emotional/mental state.

The Spectrum of Consciousness offers you a great secret – the transformation of a lower state into a higher state.


Over the years, Richard Rudd has done many interviews with a wide variety of hosts. Here you can explore the hugely varied way in which Richard introduces the Gene Keys as he dips and dives into the Gene Keys wisdom to elucidate and inspire.

The Gene Keys Book

Since its publication in 2009, the Gene Keys book has continued to inspire people all around the world. Rooted in the same code as DNA it is a book that uncannily talks to our DNA. Many people report having powerful experiences from reading and contemplating the Gene Keys book. If you are new to the Gene Keys, you may wish to use the book in combination with the Golden Path Program and your Profile. These 3 tools together create a potent transformation that is undeniable.

Here you can listen to the introduction to the book read by the Author, as well as purchase the rare Author’s edition or the new Audiobook read by Jennifer Dixon.

The Living Library

As a system of universal correspondences, each of the 64 Gene Keys is an encyclopaedia of insight, information and revelation. Come and explore this amazing free interactive library of every Gene Key. Explore each Gene Key and its relationship to the I Ching, astrology, Human Design, genetics, the Codon Rings as well as its corresponding animal, bird and mineral.


One of the primary impulses of the Gene Keys Synthesis is to reshape and beautify language in order that it can carry a higher frequency. Here, in the form of writings and audios, you will find varied poetic expressions and explorations of the Gene Keys. Open your heart and let these words soften your heart and open your mind.

Human Design

The Gene Keys owes much to The Human Design System, which was transmitted by Ra Uru Hu between the years 1987 and 2012. Richard Rudd was a senior teacher of Human Design who brought the system to the UK and set up a school training many students. Here you can find a rich library of projects and resources by the leading lights exploring the interface between the Gene Keys and Human Design. Also here are Richard’s own books and a treasury of free articles and writings from his Human Design years.

The I Ching

The original ‘prima materia’ of the Gene Keys, the I Ching is a sacred Chinese text dating from around the 4th century BC. Many commentaries and versions of the I Ching exist and it is perhaps best known as a popular oracle. The Gene Keys are a natural culmination of all previous incarnations of the i Ching. They ultimately point to the truth that all sacred texts have their source inside us. The same truths intuitively grasped by the ancient sages can now be proven by modern genetics – that the universe is built upon natural codes and these codes can be deciphered and unlocked.

The original I Ching was held in the highest esteem as a sacred text with the capacity to mirror living wisdom in every moment. Likewise the Gene Keys point us inwardly to seek the source of our suffering in our Shadows and guide us in transforming that suffering into creativity and freedom.

The Advent of the Centaurs

In these 2 articles Richard explores the archetype of the Centaur, and in particular the myths of Chiron and Pholus. As a symbol of the wounded healer inside each of us, Chiron points us towards our suffering as a means of unlocking our gifts – a central tenet of the Gene Keys. In contrast, the myth of Pholus represents the drunken rebel, whose message is to tread with care when unlocking the higher currents of spiritual knowledge.


Philos Anthropos refers to the essence of what it means to be human – to love others and to be generous. At the core of the Gene Keys teachings lies a profound spirit of generosity whose rewards are vast and exciting. As the highest expression of human virtue, Philos Anthropos invites you to use your creative genius alongside others in your community to help resolve specific issues you feel passionate about.

The Ecstatics

The Ecstatics is a free audio series of beautiful monologues set to music, exploring the life and work of some of the greatest saints, poets and mystics of all time. In this time of uncertainty and change, these are the people we should be listening to most intently – their message is the clearest and most vital there has ever been.

‘The Ecstatics really hits home. I feel like it’s a history lesson, a heart tuning, a still moment, all in one, through the eyes of an ecstatic coming alive inside me. Magical and captivating.’

Terma, Tertons and Transmission

At the heart of the Gene Keys is a living stream of wisdom. We call this a ‘transmission’ because it passes mysteriously from person to person and is also embodied in the energy field of the teachings themselves. The Tibetans call this kind of wisdom ‘terma’, meaning ‘treasure’, and those who are destined to reveal it are known as ‘Tertons’.

The mystery of Terma and Tertons is a fascinating and magical realm. Here you can hear more of this mystical story from Richard Rudd, the transmission-holder of the Gene Keys. Here he also shares insights from his own journey as a ‘householder yogi’ and reveals how the Gene Keys is like a collective terma with multiple Tertons. If you feel a very deep resonance with the Gene Keys and it speaks through you in some magical way, you yourself may have a destiny with this transmission.

The Great Change

We live during the time of The Great Change. It is likely that there will come times in which we are faced with the forces of chaos and decline. How we respond to such times will dictate our future and the future of our species. Contemplate the resources below and let them permeate your life, so that when times of greater intensity appear, you will enter the storm prepared and with a spirit of deep trust and love.

Solar Plexus & the Sixth Race

In this webinar by Gene Keys founder, Richard Rudd, discusses the involutionary forces that underpin our current epoch of great change. For centuries, the sages have spoken of a new 'Sixth' race of humans that will supersede our current homo sapiens. Every Gene Key shows us the potential for realising this new transcendent reality, which is being sparked by a transmutation of the 55th Gene Key.

Seeding the Great Change

A wonderful dynamic discussion that challenges many common spiritual assertions and paves the way for a whole new spiritual paradigm. Richard Rudd and Kim Gould explore themes such as the paradox of rebirth and the eternal creative soul, the nature of desire as a catalyst for awakening rather than an obstacle, and new scientific approaches to Truth.

The Glossary of Empowerment

Unlike any other glossary you’ve ever come across, this is designed as a transformational tool in its own right. Each word in the Gene Keys contains an empowerment. As you contemplate them together, so they open up pathways in your inner being, leading to a state of great vision and clarity.

Download the PDF, peruse the definitions, or explore the video transmissions on each term by Richard Rudd.

Spirituality and...

In this free webinar series, Richard Rudd contemplates some of the more controversial and edgy subjects connected to spirituality. Sometimes provocative but always gentle and lucid, Richard tackles these sometimes challenging contemplations in his usual wise and open-hearted manner…

The Seven Sacred Seals

The Seven Sacred Seals are a mystical wisdom that dovetails beautifully into the Gene Keys. Their primary purpose is to catalyse the awakening of the heart. This is an amazing program with many levels and dimensions. It is original, inspiring, profound and can be a great comfort to us as we deal with the many challenges that life brings.

The Art of Contemplation

The central technique of the Gene Keys. Listen to a free audio introduction and buy the book here. As you begin to learn and master the Art of Contemplation, your entire life will resume a new kind of focus.

As you learn the Art of Contemplation you will begin to experience the field of true prosperity. Prosperity is a living, vibrating field that unifies all areas of your life into a healthy, harmonic whole. And because prosperity is directly linked to freedom, as your breath deepens and you relax more, your mind will become more lucid and your decisions more certain. You will begin to swing into harmony with the spheres, engaging the power of synchronicity. Things may improve for you across the breadth of your life – relationships will become softer and more open, new creative currents will flow through you and fortunate circumstances may ripple through your life. It may seem as though a miracle has happened to you.

The Venus Sequence

One of the deepest inner journeys you will probably ever take, this programme gently guides us into some of the unconscious patterns we each carry deep in our DNA, teaching us to trust in our self love and live with a permanently open heart.

The journey through your Venus Sequence is a simple self teaching journey that comes alive in your life as you learn to apply its many insights. Giving you a new vision of what's possible in your relationships, it has a profound and lasting impact on your life.

The Activation Sequence

Discover your individual path to Genius. What is your higher purpose? What are you here to do and how can you achieve it? Your Activation Sequence is a perfect place to begin your journey into the Gene Keys through the lens of your Profile. A beautiful, illuminating course with optional printed book.

This sequence walks you step-by-step through the first four spheres of your personal Hologenetic Profile.

The Pearl Sequence

Offering us a new alternative to chasing success in our outer lives, the Pearl sequence reveals the underlying simplicity of how to truly prosper in your life.

In this inspiring self-study programme, you will learn how to decode your Pearl sequence and liberate a new flow of prosperity all around you. This change comes about as you engage the innate lucidity of your natural wisdom and begin applying it to all areas of your life.

The Hologenetic Profile

What is the Hologenetic Profile? How does it work? What can it show you? Here you can find answers to many of your questions about the Profile, as well as its background and mythology.

Transforming Shadows

Every Shadow has a Gift. Do you know someone having a tough time right now? This free series is designed to offer gentle words of encouragement to anyone dealing with difficult emotions or circumstances. Please feel free to share.

The Pulse

The Pulse tracks the astrological coordinates of the Sun, marking the Gene Key of the Day. You can use this calendar to contemplate the Gene Keys as they move through the year. Our online blog and newsletter provides free inspirational media and meditations from the Synthesis, as well as updates on the latest videos and live events with Richard Rudd. Subscribe to stay in tune with the rhythms and cycles of the Gene Keys transmission at it flows through your daily life.

Fragments of Light

Fragments of Light is Richard Rudd’s very popular free video series. These are intimate early-morning whispers of truth from the founder of the Gene Keys. Hear what’s moving through Richard’s heart and mind.

The Ambassador Circle

A Gene Keys Ambassador is a creative catalyst whose role is to host the wild wisdom of the Gene Keys transmission. This is a role that requires deep surrender, emotional maturity and self awareness. The Ambassador Circle is a strong global fellowship of such people from all walks of life.

Living Wisdom Project

Listen to The Gene Keys set to beautiful, haunting music. Created by musical genius Entheo and Phutureprimitive, this growing collection of exquisite soundtracks are designed to help you take in the Gene Keys wisdom entirely using the right brain. Extracts are taken from the 64 Ways audios. One of the most popular ways of contemplating the Gene Keys.

The Triple Flame

The contemplation of the Triple Flame is a simple and very powerful pausing technique that involves pausing for three minutes every three hours. It actively brings the contemplative state into some of the busiest times of your day, which can be a transformative experience.

Meditations & Audio Journeys

This is a collection of powerful musical journeys and meditations from various areas of the Gene Keys Synthesis. It is recommended you sit comfortably or lie down for the duration of each meditation, using headphones or good quality speakers for the best quality experience.

The Corpus Christi

One of the spiritual pillars of the Gene Keys Synthesis, the Corpus Christi is the complete science of the ‘Rainbow Body’ — the true underlying nature of all human beings. The Corpus Christi is a synthesis of transmissions, teachings and techniques that underpins the 64 Gene Keys. Representing the higher ‘Mystery School’ teachings of the Gene Keys, it includes the teaching of the Seven Seals, the Seven Sacred Bodies and the Nine Initiations.

Gene Keys Guides

A Gene Keys Guide is a role model of the contemplative way. With lucid mind, open heart and embodied presence, the Guide is a beacon of light during uncertain times.

The Gene Keys Guides Programme is a self-study course that demonstrates how to guide others into the Gene Keys wisdom, with a strong emphasis on embodiment. This comprehensive programme also gives you the creative freedom, skills and experience necessary to create a flourishing business with the Gene Keys.

Astrology & Gene Keys

“In the great wheeling arc of the 64 Gene Keys, every Gene Key has an exact position in relationship to the cosmos and thus filters the cosmic stream as it enters our planetary system.” – Gene Key 11

The synthesis between the I Ching and Western Astrology compose the primary coordinates for the Gene Keys Transmission. The hexagrams of the I Ching are the fundamental 64 genetic archetypes that make up the Gene Keys, and their overlay onto the Astrological wheel gives the Gene Keys context into our personal lives. Click below to learn more about the role of Astrology in the Gene Keys.


In these unique and inspiring dialogues, Richard Rudd and Chris Bache explore the continuity of human consciousness beyond a single lifetime. Tackling an array of interlinked subjects emerging from this theme, these profound thinkers and mystics weave a lucid picture of the deeper meaning of life and death and the evolution of consciousness as it moves through the circle of rebirth.

The Dream Arc

Do you have an affinity with a particular animal? The Dream Arc is a universal teaching that empowers individuals and communities through a profound understanding of the symbolic language of animals. Accessible, practical and applicable to all, the Dream Arc takes you on a powerful journey to unlock the power of the imagination in helping you manifest your highest aspirations in life. Using animals as a new alphabet of consciousness, this is a rich online course that gets you offline! Some subjects we explore: enhanced intuition, dream languages, weaving lineages together, working with the underworld creatures to transmute fear, soul tracking, bird visions, mammal gifts and much more…

The Codes of Chemistry

Currently in development

Share the Gene Keys

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Learn about the Guides Programme to become a Gene Keys Entrepreneur

Community Calls

Sharing together in the Gene Keys Approach

The Codon Rings

The Codon Rings are transgenetic chemical families that operate across entire gene pools, drawing certain people naturally together in pairs, groups, and ultimately forming whole societies. The Codon Rings are the biological machinery behind what the ancients called ‘karma’. The manner in which they interlock forms the geometric unified field underpinning humanity, and as human DNA mutates in order to carry the higher frequencies that are coming with the Great Change, the 21 Codon Rings will bring humanity into the biological realisation of its true nature and unity. Each Codon Ring is connected to a specific Amino Acid, chemical constituents used by your body to build proteins. There are 20 major amino acids. You have within you the power to influence the various combinations of amino acids in your body, thus building a body of radiant health and catalysing the chemical foundation for all higher states.

Global Cycles

In this spontaneous sharing, Richard and Devon discuss the current global crisis using the pattern of Global Evolutionary Cycles discovered by Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design. Filled with insights that encompass both Human Design and the Gene Keys, this is an uplifting but also sobering examination of the current changes shaking our world.

Wheel of Time

A collection of articles, videos, and contemplations by Richard Rudd on the natural cycles of time.

The Delta

The Delta is an incredible new experiment that challenges human beings to take our next great evolutionary step – into the full flowering of collective consciousness. Imagine a game that you play within your life, that accelerates your evolution, that touches the essence of your soul, leaving you stronger, wiser and with a whole new vision for what’s possible in our world…This game is changing lives. Come play!

Siddha Palm Mudras

The Gene Keys offer many avenues for the embodiment and grounding of wisdom onto the physical plane. The Siddha Palm teachings connect the ancient science of mudras – sacred hand positions – to the Gene Keys. Through the 64 hand positions you can directly access the highest essence of each Gene Key – known as its Siddhi. This extremely potent form of hand yoga bypasses the mind and sets up biogenetic resonance in the subtle fields surrounding our body.

Using the Siddha Palm techniques, your hands become a tuning fork for any specific frequency, whether it be Stillness, Ecstasy, Forgiveness or any other Gene Key. You can also practise any of the mudras relating to your Profile, as well as moving through magical sequences which can shift your inner state instantly, bringing balance, health and heightened awareness.

Choose a mudra, perform it every day for a week and you will see a miracle growing before your very eyes.

Crystal Alphabet

Gene Keys Mineral Codex

There is an ancient legend concerning the Crystal Alphabet. It is mentioned in passing in certain obscure Cabbalistic treatises and is alluded to in some of the more arcane Arabic alchemical texts – the renowned Greek seer Apollonius of Tyana appears to have known of the Alphabet’s existence, as did the great Egyptian initiate Hermes Trismegistus, who alluded to it in the Emerald Tablet.

One version of the legend states that after the Fall of Man, Uriel took from his belt 99 sacred stones, and gave them to Eve as a gift, to help her find her way back home to the true Garden of Eden. These 99 stones are said to form the original angelic alphabet of matter, because it was out of these minerals and elements that the Creator made the earth, the animals and man.

Below is the Gene Keys Codex for the Crystal Alphabet.

The Wisdom Keepers

The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck and Books, written by Creative Partner Rosy Aronson Ph.d., are empowering tools of self-acceptance and understanding. They offer us a playful way to embrace our shadows with love, face adversity with courage and uncover the gifts that only we can bring to the world.

The 64 Faces of Awakening (and the writing in the Wisdom Keepers Inner Guidebook) are deeply connected to Richard Rudd’s visionary book the Gene Keys, and are incarnations of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, and the archetypal themes at the foundation of our universe.

Click the button below to explore the Oracle Deck and other offerings by Rosy

Open Calls

On Zoom & Clubhouse

Each week there are are free online gatherings for anyone who share an interest in the Gene Keys teachings.

Open Calls are hosted on Zoom hosted voluntarily by Gene Keys Ambassadors in multiple languages. The purpose of the call is to share your Gene Keys experiences, insights and breakthroughs with each other and to cultivate friendship. It’s a space to ask questions, listen and gain inspiration.

Join Gene Keys on Clubhouse to experience drop-in audio conversations on various topics from the Gene Keys synthesis. Click below to learn more about each of these offerings and how to join in!

Language Hubs

“The Gene Keys speak to all humans, regardless of culture or creed. I believe this is the reason why they are spreading so widely, so quickly, into so many languages. All languages emerge from the same DNA and are ultimately derived from a universal language woven from light. This unifying language cannot be learned but must be embodied in a high and virtuous ideal that is lived on a daily basis. For this reason, the greatest focus for our multi-lingual team is to embody the teachings as white light. Only then can we translate the living words into the spectrum of beautiful rainbow colours of each mother language…”

The Gene Keys are spreading quickly across the globe, with new translations and language hubs emerging continuously. Here is a current list of the languages and Gene Keys works available with many more in the pipeline. The Multi-Lingual Team has at present over 20 members, and supports translators and self-publishers in cooperation with Gene Keys Publishing. If you would like to connect with the Multi-Lingual Team coordinator, you can use the contact form below.

The Epiphany Experience

Awaken the power of Awe in your life with this inspiring online course.

The Epiphany Experience is an ideal introduction to the Gene Keys – where they come from, how they work and how to apply them to your life. Uniting the power of contemplation, illumination and discourse the Gene Keys Epiphany Experience is designed to create the maximum impact possible in your life in a short space of time.