Click the link “Follow” to begin following another user’s posts. When it is successful, the same word will now say “Following”

“Following” a user means that you will see that user show up more often inside your News Feed.
The News Feed is where you can see an aggregate feed of all your available groups and public topics from other Gene Keys members. Select the “Following” tab to filter all your activity notifications only to friends you are following. This currently only works for status update posts, but we are working on enabling this feature for forum posts as well.

‘Following’ does not grant you access to private messages with the other person, and does not allow you to see any of their private profile fields. To gain this access, please send a connection request to the other user who must accept on their end.
To Unfollow someone, simply return to their Member Page or find them in the Member Directory. Click the word “Following” again and then confirm you want to “Unfollow”. This will take this user off of your following list. You can always follow them again by clicking the Follow link as before.

To completely mute / block someone, go to their member profile page and select ‘Block’. You will not see any posts by this user, and will not be able to connect or message one another. You may choose to unblock someone at any time. Learn more