A Game of Collective Transformation

The Delta is a powerful new experience that challenges us to take the next great evolutionary step – into the flowering of collective consciousness.

In this life-changing game, players gather in groups of 7, exploring 7 themes over 7 weeks in a syncopated rhythm, creating a very real experience of higher harmony that touches all areas of your life.

The Delta reminds us of so many life essentials: Self Acceptance, Empathy, Contemplation, Group Coherence and perhaps above all, unconditional Love and a deep Trust in the Whole.

Programme Features

Included in this course:

  • Full Instructions for how the Delta journey works

  • Contemplation resources and guidance for each of your seven weeks

  • Access to the “Find a Delta” group forum

  • Additional guidance for ways to connect with your group and how to navigate any challenges that may arise

  • Optional private forum created for you once you have established your Delta Group

This was a very deep process for me, both collectively and individually. I had so many insights and magical experiences. It seems like you start to live another higher life inside your own...

Programme Features

  • Video Transmissions on each of the 8 positions

  • 8 Gene Keys Audios for each position

  • 8 Mudra videos for each position

  • Audio attunements for your sharing circles

  • Weekly Positions Chart generator

  • Notes functions to track your course progress in our newly updated learning system

How does the Delta work?

Game Overview

  • Find your Team of 7​

  • Choose a weekly meeting time

  • Generate a Weekly Positions chart

  • Contemplate your weekly position resources

  • Share your breakthroughs with your team

  • Experience the magic of the Delta

Your ability to communicate clearly and openly is a key part of the Delta experience. Form your Group, commit to the process fully and you will experience one of the deepest transformations of your life.

Need Help Finding a Group?

One of your first initiations in this game is to find your magical team of 7 players. We invite you to hold a gentle vision of the right team coming together at the exact right time. Since the Delta was launched, we have seen many Delta teams coming together with magical synchronicity.

When you purchase the Delta Programme, you will gain access to the “Find a Delta Group Forum”. Here you can connect with others players also looking for their Group of 7.

Find a Delta Guide

Looking for some additional support?

For those who are new to the Gene Keys and the Delta, it can be supportive to be guided through the Delta by a Delta Guide. A Delta Guide will help you find your way easily through your Delta journey, and if you haven’t found a Delta team yet, they may also help gather a team for you. Our Delta Guides are experienced in hosting Delta Groups both logistically and emotionally.

If you feel you would benefit from having someone host you and your group through the Delta, below you will find a directory of Delta Guides you can contact. Please note that this is a separate service with an additional fee.

Click below to connect with any of our Delta Guides

Ron E Armstrong

Inspirational Guide and Intuitive Channel

Asya Silva

Gene Keys-Meditations-Guidance-Human Design

Jennifer Robinson

Delta Programme Enthusiast

Tamara Bucalo

Private and Group Sessions combining Gene Keys & Tarot

A Luminous Game of Collective Transformation

Ready to play?

Buy the Delta, learn the rules, and play as many times as you like!

The Delta Programme - $150 (Price is in USD and includes all taxes where applicable)

I was pleasantly surprised how the Delta worked in practice and what the benefits were personally for me. It was a magical synchronicity and an opening opportunity for many realizations. This was one of the strongest team experiences for me till now
The Delta Fellowship has been a beautiful, enriching and very deep experience for me. It was a sense of coming home to myself. Love has come back into my heart allowing me to dream big, to trust deeper, to fly for the first time, to believe and have faith again and let go of all that is not essential. It has been a powerful take off into a bigger version of me.
For me Delta Fellowship was such a generous invitation to a deep two-way flight between my-Self and them-Selves. In the end we are all One Big Family, we are all One Big Heart. I am so honored to be part of this cosmic dance.
A new model of heroism, one which arises from unity and communion with each other, nature and all of existence, is essential for navigating the acceleration of inevitable change and respective challenges we’re facing as a collective organism. The structure, circuitry and flow of the Delta experience is an answer to this call.
The Delta has been profoundly important to me. It definitely was an upgrade in consciousness, in my capacity to love, to be transcended beyond my own individual ego, and experience the beauty and extraordinary nature of collective humanity together. I highly recommend for all GKs travelers, especially all Ambassadors.
I really feel and experience the synchronicities in my life and am even involved with crowdfunding for spiritual students of Haiti. I'd love to enter the Star of Consciousness as soon it is available.

-Anne Marie

I found the experience Delta experience deeply healing. The most impactful aspect for me was the opportunity to hold and be held by the community. Our group instilled in me the hope that a deeply bonded community is a possible reality. It is rare that a few strangers come together in a virtual platform and decide to share their hearts with each other, trusting others to hold them kindly and fully. Together we dealt with so many difficulties that showed up in each other's lives, and we learnt grace by witnessing it amongst us. I am now so honoured to call them friends. 


I am grateful to have found the Delta program. I started the Delta a few months after Covid came. I was feeling isolated and alone. The Delta helped me grow awareness of self, appreciation, care and allowed me to move deeply into my life's work. My relationships improved. I re-bonded with others who I previously had conflict with. My life is completely transformed because of the Delta experience. I have since moved and my life is more simple. 

-Jennifer Robinson

Delta has been an important integral part of my self-development in the past few years, speaking about a huge role the Gene Keys as an incredible ascension tool plays in my life. The most valuable aspect of Delta impact was the experience of group collective consciousness and diving into the UNITY. This is the most precious and valuable for me. I see Delta as an incredible way to work and grow. This is why I am looking forward to continue my journey on this path, and join the fellowship. 


My Delta journey has been over a 3 year period. My first delta was within a month of my beloved son's passing, the grief of this has brought me into a deep trust in the divine, as grace was the only avenue left that provided sanctuary. Over these past 3 years the Delta journey held me, helped heal me and brought me close to the soul's of those on my flights. I feel blessed to have had the delta program to open me to the many dimensional layers of being. 


The clarity of understanding that we are one interdependent collective experience that comes from the Delta adventure is undeniable. It’s an effective tool for teams and groups that wish to come into coherence with each other.

-Anna M

My Delta experiences have changed my life. My connection with synchronicities and connecting with the realms beyond form is vast and deep and that makes life's mundane quite extraordinary. I highly recommend the Delta experience to anyone who is longing for an embodied experience of contemplation and the state of presence. It is a sacred and subtle journey that has created changes in me that live on in me, even after the official flights have come to a close..

-Jennifer H

I loved the kinship. The anticipation of balancing the waves of energy with the others as my heart journey would open and close during the week between our meetings. And the trust that is built is amazing, knowing that I can share intimately one-on-one or with the group without filters really expanded into the well of the unconscious. It took 3 Delta's to really understand how it works (or how it was intended to work). I look forward to taking flight on the next one when spirit calls.

-David W

The Delta has been a direct experience of how a higher form of consciousness is bound to develop out of the collective. Using our ability to play/dance, it shows us the possibility of rising above division, discord and disharmony. Making it possible to allow a higher consciousness to enter into our collective body. While at present this can be done only to a limited extent, and at the cost of a tremendous individual effort, the Delta becomes a collective vehicle through which this is done with ease and joy that is felt on a dance floor. It is a way in which the burden of life and the wounds that we carry are lightened and healed through a collective. Being in a Delta is a direct experience of all is one and all is well.

-Natasha S.

My biggest take away was a perpetual feeling of grace and elevated mindfulness in my day to day activities.

-Taye B.

This was once of the most exciting and powerful journeys into Higher Consciousness and those I flew with will forever hold a special place in my heart.

-Alison D.

It’s the deepest journey I ever traveled… 3 Deltas with 3 different Groups… I hardly remember how I was before…

-Marga E.

Delta opened a new hope for humanity within me, group dynamics being organized not via corporations, jobs, families, or managing projects, but by frequency itself. It was amazing to see, how even though it is an online project the process was very real. We gather to be and experience, reveal and heal being guided by refined energies, rather than 'to do' and 'make it happen'. We learn to hear, exchange, basically learn to be in those new constellations that emerge in this shifting times.

-Katreni M.

I have enjoyed Delta even though it was challenging at times to make the time. Some part of me entered into a soul commitment to transform my own shadows. I can only do that with integrity and honesty. My team Delta were all so amazingly welcoming, supportive, and truthfully honest. I am looking forward to entering into another Delta, perhaps with other Delta Guides now.

-Laynah L.

The Delta has shown me what it means to work with like minded individuals who are committed to living a life of higher collective purpose. Sharing life stories every week with people around the world who understand and connect with the Gene Keys transmission has been a life changing experience. Depending on what you need in life the Delta will give you a gentle warm summer breeze or a massive tsunami. It's definitely not for the faint of heart so be prepared for anything!

-Joshua Z.

The Delta program brings unpredictable shifts on the material plane. I have been enchanted my experience and I highly recommend it to anyone who is ready to take a leap and follow their soul's most playful expression and deepest wish.

-Eve H.

It is a life changing experience, these Deltas. I love meeting other people with other insights. Made me more human and wanting to live and love fully.

-Angela L.

My Delta travels have taken me to some most mystical ineffable experiences down to accentuating & transforming physical pains in my body. I have become softer and quicker to notice when my heart is not fully open to Life. Delta has given me a tremendous gift of its sparkling golden dust, often flowing down from my head onto my body, to remind me that "it’s ok to let go and to simply be.

-Wanny W.

During my three flights I’ve experienced amazing group magic and synchronicities. I am now for the first time in my life connected to nature and even heard the trees talk. I’ve gotten more spiritual and am also consistent in pursuing jobs and endeavors outside of my normal scope. If it’s up to me, I will do Delta journeys for the rest of my life. I would be honored to be part of the Delta Fellowship group.

-Mona D.

I feel that words are inadequate for this experience. Each Delta brings its own insights. Shared in confidence with the flight. There is a shared transcendence held in the container when its love and wisdom are held in the highest regard. The mystery of it moves beyond psychology into a realm of purity that showers us with silent Grace.

-Tanmayo L.

My last Delta was wonderful, very loving and spiritual. Divine guidance led me throughout with lots of synchronicities, I really felt attuned to spirit. Since then I have the weird feeling that my inner processes have been accelerating. I am very grateful for this experience and the wonderful people I had the chance to meet.

-Ester H.

The delta has deepened my awareness. It has connected me to other seekers and inner travelers of the inner realms. It has also transformed me in a very deep and subtle way.

-Talia K.

Today we finish the delta - this is the 8th position, and it was a huge journey. It really impacted me because, the dance we do in the positions, and with the partner was incredibly marvellous. It brought me a new vision of the GK and the programming partner. It is really amazing how we relate our position to the partner and in the moment of our lives. Being in position 1 with no partner was also a huge experience - so different from self-study. And we all created a real connection in the group.
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Tanmayo Music

Painted in Delta Position 7

Viviane Pires Tiz

Painted on First Delta Flight

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