Accessibility for Gene Keys products

It is our intention to provide the Gene Keys resources in the most accessible ways for all of our users. Please review the information below for our frequently asked questions about accessibility. If you have suggestions or requests to make these teachings more accessible for you, please write to and we will integrate your requested features into our development roadmap.

What resources are available for deaf & hard-of-hearing?

All of our courses are primarily composed of text and videos with a closed caption option (english language). There is a small portion of some course content that includes “audio only files”. 75% of these audio files are also available as written transcripts, including meditations by Richard Rudd. 

However, there are some audio files, such as the 64 Ways, that have been included in the Golden Path courses. These audio files do not have a transcript included in the price of the course. However, all of these audios are available in the 64 Ways printed book or kindle version via amazon. It is also fine to substitute this part of the course, with the chapter from the Gene Keys book (also available in print or kindle via amazon). This is the only resource that is not immediately included for our deaf & heard-of-hearing audience. 

If you are doing any of the Golden Path courses, you are encourage to purchase either the Gene Keys book or the 64 Ways book to get more information on your specific Gene Key. 

What resources are available for blind or visually impaired users?

All of the courses include audio-only versions of the videos, and do not rely heavily on visual aids. The Gene Keys Profile does use geometry, color, and shape to describe some of the archetypes for seeing audiences. In some videos this is described, verbally. However, not all videos were created with this in mind. So there may be some areas that can be confusing at first, without the visual reference.

Luckily, this makes up a very small percentage of the teachings, which can be experienced through audio for great effect. Most of the content is not based on visual slides, and can be understood through audio only. Some of our audience rarely watch the video versions and have only experienced the courses via audio, with great feedback. 

All of our courses do rely on text by the author Richard Rudd, which may or may not be available in an audio format. Screen-reader software can read the text of our courses. Luckily, most of these courses are still very beneficial even if you only listen to the included audio files. 

The Art of Contemplation course and book is available in audio format in its entirety, read by the author Richard Rudd.

The 64 Ways is an audio collection describing each of the 64 Gene Keys.

The Gene Keys book is also available as an audio book. 

We are continuing to improve our site architecture to allow visually-impaired users to navigate more easily using screen-reader technology. We apologize if not all of our features are fully available in this format.