Can I share access to this course with others?

The Gene Keys is an amazing gift to share with friends and family. Walking through the Golden Path with your loved ones can be a powerful and magical experience. However, our virtual retreats and online courses are designed specifically for YOU.

The best way to review the resources is for each participant to have their own login to courses. That way the information you read is based on YOUR unique hologenetic profile.

Thank you for respecting the dedicated work that went into these teachings, and refrain from publicly posting or sharing private course materials without consent.

It is the aim of Gene Keys Ltd to provide quality products to as many people as possible. We work to keep all of our products and retreats to be priced with generosity and sustainability in mind. Sales from our programmes go back into creating exciting new content, nourishing our hosts and support team, and developing new features for the global community.

At the heart of the Gene Keys is the vision of Syntropy, philanthropy and service. At least 3% of ALL sales go back into our Syntropy hub, to fund philanthropic projects and efforts, giving energy back to the benefit of the whole.

The Gene Keys Syntropy Hub also offers scholarships and bursaries to those in financial need. Please visit our Scholarships page to learn more.

If you would like to purchase a course for a friend of family member please use our instructions here.