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How to use the “Find a Delta” group forum

Upon purchase of the Delta Programme, you will be given access to the “Find a Delta” group forum. This forum is designed to help Self-Organised groups coordinate and communicate. You may use the forum discussion threads to Start or Find a Delta Group. You may communicate privately or with your group using the “Connect + Private Message” feature, or you may share your preferred form of contact outside of

As a part of the Find a Delta Group, people may reach out to you with a “connection request” in order to privately message you to join or form a Delta flight together. You can accept connection requests using your dropdown menu “My Connections” or the bell icon. If at any time you would like to leave this group, you may do so by clicking “Leave Group” button above. Click here for more FAQ on using Groups and Messages

Looking for a Delta Group to join?

Take a look through the discussion threads on this forum and see if you find any dates / times that match your availability. If you find a relevant group thread you would like to join, click “Reply” and let them know you are interested!

If you don’t find any available right away, you may want to click “Subscribe” to this entire forum so that you will be emailed when new groups are being offered.

You can create your own Discussion Thread with the title [LFG] meaning you are “Looking for a Group”. A helpful tip is to include your available times / days in the week, and a short introduction to who you are and why you want to join the Delta.

Want to start your own Delta?

You can also choose to start your own Delta Group by choosing a specific date and time, and invite others to join you!

If you are forming your own group, but don’t have seven players, you can post your Group here as a discussion thread, and invite others to join. We recommend you name your thread title [LFP] meaning you are “Looking for Players”, and include the chosen Day/Time you plan on meeting.

Click “New Discussion” and title your thread “[LFP] — Day & Time / Time Zone — Looking for x Players”.

For example “[LFP] — Tuesdays at 12pm PT — looking for 2 players”

or… “[LFP] — Saturdays at 20:00 UTC — looking for 4 players”

In the post, please provide the following information

  • Preferred weekly meeting time (with time zone)
  • Preferred start date (if you have one)
  • How many players you are currently looking for
  • What method you will be using to connect for your weekly meeting (Zoom, Skype, Signal, etc)
  • Preferred mode of contact (send a connection request, email, reply to thread, etc)
  • A little bit about yourself and your group (optional)

If you are taking the initiative to form the Delta yourself or with your friends, please review the “Sharing in the Delta” module for additional guidance. Included in this module are recommended resources for hosting the weekly sharing circle using tools like Skype and Zoom.

We recommend you click “Subscribe” or click the Star icon to “Favorite” to the thread that you start, so that you will be informed if any one is interested in joining.

Before posting, you may want to skim through the discussion threads and see if you see any postings that match your date/time. You may potentially be able to merge your group with another group looking to form at a similar time!

I can’t find a Delta!

The Delta Experience begins the moment you say yes to the programme. Finding a group is a part of the transformational journey! Organising a time and day to meet together can be a challenge, but we have found this time can also help clear away some of the Karma before the flight fully takes off. The same advice is true once you begin the seven week journey – you can discover great gifts hidden in challenges, and any turbulence is being balanced within the magic of the Delta.

The best ways to find a Delta are to invite your own community or network to join you, or post your hopes and dreams here to this forum. Let the magic of the Delta guide you to the perfect group at the perfect time.

In the meantime, you do have access to the Delta Programme resources, and can begin to familiarise yourself with how the Delta works. It can be helpful to understand the Dance of the Delta before actually beginning the flight with others.

Someone dropped out of our Delta! What do we do?

If somebody in a team drops out of a Delta the remaining players have a choice. They can either choose to continue with an ‘empty seat’, or they can choose to start over and recruit a new player. You can use this forum to find a new player, by posting a [LFP] post with your preferred day and time.

This scenario is one of the reasons it’s so very important that you consider carefully if you’re ready to make a full commitment before joining the Delta, as it obviously has an impact on and inconveniences not only the person who drops out, but the whole team.

Is there an Ambassador or Guide who can host my group?

Yes, if you prefer to have someone host your Delta Flight, you may view the “Find a Delta Guide” page in your Delta Programme materials.