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I don’t remember my dreams / I am not a dreamer…

You’re in the right place! The dream world is accessible to everyone, but it might take patience and practice to improve your dream recall. Richard the Sage and Rosy, our resident dreamer and guide, will offer lots of tips and tricks to support your relationship with dreaming.

The most effective way to remember your Dreams, however, is to want to! Engaging in the Dream Arc is an amazing way to jumpstart your connection to your dream life.

And the Dream Arc isn’t just about the dreams you have when you are asleep! Dream language is all around us, in how nature speaks through the animals, through the weather, and through our relationships to one another. The Dream Arc is about imagination itself, and how we all have the ability to cultivate creative responses to life’s challenges.

If you don’t think you are a dreamer, this is still a great course for you. You might just be surprised what kind of visions open up for you as you commit to this journey…